
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dear Friends . . .

{KK 511}

"All of us are watchers - of television, of time clocks, of traffic on the freeway - but few
are observers, everyone is looking, but not many are seeing."  - Peter M Leschak

. . .  I know I've barely been here this summer, but I have been observing many beautiful
and wondrous things from my front porch. 

In fact, I've been doing so much observing {and participating} that it has left little time
for editing...I must get busy as I have much to share, and a monarch series to continue.
The past few weeks, I've literally been knee deep, okay maybe just ankle deep, but deep 
non the less in caterpillar frass - fancy name for caterpillar poop! lol

It. has. been. a. full. time. job.

I need a sign for my front porch/sidewalk that says, "CAUTION, Caterpillar crossing!"
I've found them on my front door frame, crawling on the front porch, crossing the sidewalk,
on my pantry door, and one that pupated on the edge of my dining room table, whew.

Currently on the farm; about 45 monarch chrysalids, about another 20 something monarch caterpillars,
10 queen chrysalids, 3 black swallowtail chrysalids, 8 - one week old polydamas swallowtail caterpillars and one giant leopard moth caterpillar! 

Two a day football practice has started, the college girl goes back this weekend, and school starts
for the football boy next Monday.

That means I will be coming out of hibernation shortly thereafter . . . 

I hope you have had a wonderful, restful, fun filled summer!!

Love, Kim