I've been sitting in front of my computer for what seems like hours,
maybe it has been. I almost didn't do a foto Friday today, not because
I didn't take a gazillion photos this week,
but I'm just feeling a bit unmotivated . . .
. . . yesterday I met my dear friend for coffee, something we do often,
sharing feelings and thoughts without the fear of judgement. Lifting each other up when
we fall, and of course laughter - much laughter and lots of silliness.
But this time when we said good-by it was different, it was hard.
She is starting a new chapter in her life, almost 1200 miles away.
I need a tissue please . . . wait, I'll take the box.
But oh! the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely. Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik, A Life for a Life, 1859
After coffee, I took myself and my pocket full of quarters to the place where
on the bay they have machines with food to feed the fish, only the birds seem to quite fancy
it as well. And really, it's just dog food kibbles. The last time I was there, I noticed
that when everyone walked away the birds would go to the doors of the machines, lift them up
the let go and do this several times until they could hear a piece dislodge and viola, lunch!
It took a little while, but I started earning some trust with them. I would get a handful of food and
take one piece and let them see it and I would then place it behind the door and wait. There are three machines in a row and I would switch it up so that I knew they were purposely following what
I was doing. Soon enough they were lifting the door for their prize, and standing in line!
{Linking this with La-La's home daycare - theme, machines}
So then, I decided to try something a little different. How much could I get them to trust me?
Another quarter, another handful of food. I held out my hand with the camera in the other and waited.
And waited. And then finally one brave enough to take some from my hand.
At first they would do a fly by and then a take and run . . .
. . . and then brave enough to land on my hand and just eat straight from it!
If I could grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals . . . and they could
squeak and squawk and speak and talk to us! Well, it's a good start.
And then what better place to lift the spirits . . . but a place with flowers.
And it seems no matter where I go lately, there will be a lizard that just shows up? In fact,
on our walk last weekend the hubs spotted a teeny tiny one on the ground - I bent over and put my hand down, and instead of running away, he just walked onto my hand! If things start showing up in pairs,
I might start to worry.
{Linking this with favorite photo of the week , This and That Thursday ,
A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth.
The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water.
Even so, life is but an endless series of little details,
actions, speeches and thoughts.
And the consequences whether good or bad
of even the least of them are far-reaching.
Lois, thanks for being there for part of the series.
And if you're reading this, I miss you to the moon and back already!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Love, Kim
These are awesome! You always have amazing shots! I love seeing the lizards. I haven't gotten a decent lizard shot!
Sorry you are feeling sad about your friend. Maybe you can go a visit her sometime soon?
Love your last photo -- a clematis? Such a beautiful color. Have a lovely weekend, Kim.
The bird shots are so fun! And that flower is gorgeous! Such pretty composition and color. I love it!
Thanks for sharing your heartfelt story; the photos are gorgeous. Hugs from Alaska. Karen in Kenai
Wow, you patience certainly did pay off. Great shot.
Wow! What great shotos of the very talented bird. Lovely photos!
Sorry your close friend is moving away, but gives you an excuse to take a trip! Having a friend in every port is not a bad thing. : ) I know.. it's hard.
Your photo of the bird eating from your hand makes me so jealous. Reminds me of my unsuccessful attempts over the years. I guess that's something where we differ!
i'm sorry to hear your friend is moving away---i know the feeling because my bff is 600 miles away and it just isn't quite the same. thanks for showing us your beautiful photos as always and for linking up!
have a good weekend!
Wow, what patience you have to get these awesome images! How cool that those birds landed right in your hand. Amazing shots. Sorry that your friend is moving. That is tough. Hang in there!
Sorry your good friend is moving...but at least these days we can talk on the phone and see at the same time, e- mail instantly etc....I know it is not the same....but a little help. You guys will have to have the odd long weekend and meet in the middle!
Love your bird photos...your patience paid off!
Sorry to hear your friend is moving away - you must be feeling a bit low right now. What an apt, beautiful and accurate quote about those special friendships - thanks for sharing it, it has really hit a mark with me. Really enjoyed looking at your photos of the bird & the machine, what with that and your mantis experience last week, AND the lizard - you must be feeling one with the animal world right now! And glorious photos of the flowers too.
those first ones are amazing! very good captures :) I love the last one too, the colours are so rich, the vignette really works here so well.
Amazing and Captivating. You got some really great shots. It's wonderful that you have a great friend like that. Isn't it amazing that with modern technology now you should be able to stay in touch as if she were still with you.
Your photographs are fabulous Kim. Love the one with the feathers of the bird's wing open. Your submission to PAF is lovely - beautifully composed and edited.
Thank you for participating - especially when your heart is aching. :(
Wow, you are braver then I am. Great shots well done once again :)
What a wonderful experience with the birds - I would love to try that. It's incredible that you got that shot so sharp with one hand while the other has the bird on it - I think I would be so excited that I wouldn't be able to keep still enough to press the shutter button.
Sorry to hear about your friend moving away. I know that it's not just the same but
download skype and get a little webcam and you'll still be able to still have those little chats and have some virtual hugs instead.
Beautiful photos.
Regards and best wishes
It's great to have such a wonderful friend that you can be yourself with.
You got some amazing bird photos, I love how intelligent animals are and the trust we can build with them if we take the time and patience.
Amazing that you had them eating out of your hand.
Stunning! Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful macro shot of the flower. I have to say my favorite is your lizard though...love him (or her)!
Beautiful flower and picture with great texture. Good luck in the competition.
I loved this post. I immediately took the quote about being able to share with best friends and sent it to my two best friends. It describes how we feel to a T! What a fun experience with those birds. You're a regular Dr. Doolittle! :)
I love your complimentary color but I also think leaving the pink in on the black and white is wonderful.
Oh my... Your bird shots are adorable! So lucky to have them trust you. and yout shots are in focus too. I would be too busy laughing to get a decent shot. love your shots.
great shots :)
beautiful amazing shots! I am juse in awe of the bird shots!
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