Sunday, October 2, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Another week has flown by like the speed of light.
And keeping with the them of going fast, 'Gone With The Wind' would have been an appropriate movie for the first prompt
but the first book/movie that came to mind was my favorite,
'Charlie and the Chocolate factory'. The only problem, I couldn't find a chocolate river or any oompa loompas.

So since I actually had an adventure this week with a praying
mantis that actually looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, we'll just go with that.

 1. Inspired by book or movie: I did a little manipulation in picnik since I still haven't learned how to use my photoshop elements.
{Linking this with Photo Art Friday at Pixel Dust Photo Art}

2. Brown: Had a nice walk this week early in the morning and came across these egrets in this brown grass.

3. Hazy: That's how my brain felt this week, hazy. Can't photograph
that . . . so I pulled this from the archive of a sunrise one morning
on the beach in Galveston.

4. Coffee or Tea: Definitely coffee, Texas Pecan with a generous shot of french vanilla creamer.

5. Linger: As we were driving home last weekend I made the
hubby do a u-turn when I spied this old car . . . it appears it has
been lingering for some time now.

Hope you're having a great weekend - join me in checking out the rest of the scavenger hunt!!

Love, Kim


Cedar said...

That praying mantis is fascinating! Love your linger and brown shots!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful photos and post-processing.

Regards and best wishes

Nukke said...

I liked your 2. last photos most !!! But your praying mantis looks very interesting too !

Jenni said...

They are all fabulous and very atmospheric..the praying mantis is a bit too sci-fi creepy for me! I love the bird and the old car, love the colour of the last two.

Tamar SB said...

These are superb!! Love your movie pic and your hazy pic, amazing finds!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

Oh Kim you're in a sepia mood like me just now - these are all lovely. I was thinking about doing Charlie and the Chocolate factory aswell. What a cool take on sci-fi and the processing especially in blue. You certainly get some great opportunities to shoot some wonderful wildlife shots

John and Katie said...

Nice shots! Love the tea cup you used in coffee!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Kim, you have a great artistic eye. Can't imagine what you will produce when you add PSE magic to your creative mix!

Love all the photos here. Your submission to Photo Art Friday looks like it is right off of a sci-fi movie poster! Fabulous.
Thanks for sharing it with P.A.F.

Saun said...

Great set I love your linger. Your Mantis for foto friday are awesome.

Jen said...

Wow! Great shots :) Love that old car! And your mantis is really cool! Love the edit on that!

Sarah Cass said...

Love the first shot! Very cool, and the editing is awesome. But my favorite is the old car. I love things like that...

Anonymous said...

Amazing and artistic photos, I love it!

Nice day, kisses:)

Ashley Sisk said...

That first shot is absolutely amazing!

SarahinSC said...

Oh my! That praying mantis shot is AMAZING! The processing is sooooo sci fi!

Marcie said...

I always love the scavenger sunday..and the results. Yours are terrific!!!

Susan said...

LOVE your mantis shot!!! And the linger shot is too cool.

Kmcblackburn said...

Kim, great set but those last three are outstandling! Love the monotone of the coffee/tea shot, that abandoned car is just chock-ful of photo possibilities...I'd probably STILL be there if I found it! haha. And that hazy capture...sigh.


kewkew said...

Great shots. That hazy shot is REALLY hazy. I have to say that coffee sounds yummy and the picture is so pretty. I am used to my hubby drinking his coffee in a mug and my mom drinking tea out of a tea cup. Great eyes noticing that car lingering there.
And the praying mantis definitely looks like it is out of a sci fi movie.

Kathy said...

Coming to you via Photo Art Friday...great shot of the pray mantis. I love the editing treatment you did...very artistic. Great shots on all of them.


Honey Mommy said...

I love your shot for brown. So lovely and peaceful!

I have never seen a preying mantis that color before! Was that post processing? In any case it looks cool.

Deanna said...

Wow, that praying mantis is spectacular and I love the soft sepia look on the coffee and linger shots.

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely amazing set of photos. The birds and the bug are stunning.

dsblanchard said...

I LOVE the nature theme of your blog. I am going to bookmark you and check in now and then.


Pat said...

Love that praying mantis!

Splendid Little Stars said...

wonderful photos!

Marvett Smith said...

Wow! Love all of your praying mantis images. He looks like he was posing just for you. Love that old car too!

Marilyn said...

Wonderful photos. The bug you edited in Picnik is beautiful.

Marilyn said...

I think I messed up on my comment before. I love this series of photos. The insect which I believe you edited in Picnik is terrific. Who needs PS when you have Picnik?

deb duty said...

The bug is amazing! And I love the old car in the field. Looks really nice in black and white.

Lisa Gordon said...

Truly wonderful images Kim!
The first one is amazing!!!

Christina said...

Fantastic interpretations! Loving the composition of the praying mantis!

Kay Rhodes said...

Gorgeous!!! I love the coloring on the last 2 shots!!!

Ida said...

Fabulous group of photos. That Praying Mantis looks amazing. I love the car photo as well and the Egrets...what a graceful bird.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Love the heron especially. All are beautiful.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Love you mantis! Your hazy choice is a brilliant shot too.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos! The tones in the last two are stunning. Thank you for sharing!

I have a link up you might be interested in called Tones on Tuesday for photos with altered tones. I would love it if you decided to link up :o)!

Gretchen said...

Love the flowers around the old car... very nice! Great set!! =)

Tina´s PicStory said...

the first shot is amazing. all are beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

I just left a comment on your SHS for today and saw the one in your sidebar and clicked on it. A big WOW and that mantid photo! Awesome shot.

patty said...

oh my gosh, that little purply blue guy is amazing!! he drew me here from a little button at the end of your last post. those things work! :)

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