
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Okay, so I have to say that I was a wee bit excited when I saw the first prompt
this week because getting up close is one of my favorite things to do.  The only problem is
when the macro lens you have is a 40mm it means getting pretty close to your subject, as in
a few inches.  

1. Macro: I found this guy on my front door handle and transferred him to another spot where I could get
    more light to better show off his eyes! ha  That dark spot in his eyes is not his pupils, but the reflection
    of my lens.

2. Found Texture: On a walk my husband and I came across one of our favorite trees that had been cut
    down. I have no idea why it was cut down, but someone counted and numbered the years - 61 !

3. Home:  Home is where the heart is and the fastest way to a teenage boy's heart . . . food!

4. Cover:  And speaking of teenage boys - I don't know any who wouldn't want to be on the 'cover' of
    Sports Illustrated. In fact, he has requested I post this on facebook so it can be his new profile pic!! ; )

5. The tree:  I ran out of time this week to search for the "tree" so I'm digging this out of the archives from a
    post I did in February called - What do you see, the forest or the trees?

Hope your having a great weekend!
You can continue the scavenger hunt here.

Love, Kim


Friday, October 28, 2011

Foto Friday - Up, Up and Away

Up, up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon . . .
Do you remember that song, it sure brings back memories. I think I was five when that first came out by the 5th Dimension and only a few years later I danced to that song at a recital. Yep, the 60's were kinda cool and I still remember the groovy go-go boots my mom had that we would use for dress-up.

And speaking of cool, I can't believe that we've never been to the Ballunar Fest here. Well, actually we didn't know about it until that day but we did manage to make it for the balloon glow at night and then again really early the next day to watch them come in for a competition. Really early! Too early for a weekend, but it was oh so worth it. And since we have teenagers who like to sleep late, we made it a date and by the time we got home they were still sleeping! ha

The above a below images are from the night before as the sun was setting.

This is the next morning and this is the only balloon that took flight from where we were. All the others took off from different points to come in to the field where we were for the competition. They had to position themselves so they could throw a marker on a target, a hoola hoop on a blow up target or grab for extra points small balloons that were anchored to the ground.

And then a before  . . .

. . .  and after some fun!

Some just didn't get close enough to the field and ended up right over us. I was really hoping they would throw some candy, but no such luck!

I was so glad that there were some clouds in the sky, just enough to give some dimension.

This was the 'all' glow, and it was quite spectacular in person. My camera handles the higher ISO pretty well
as this was set at 3200.

It didn't take long once the sun rose for all the balloons to come in, and on our way out I spied these
beautiful birds. We have seen the same birds at a different show and they can do amazing tricks. And this
one, as I bent down so did he!

On the way home we stopped for a little breakfast and so did the ducks.  They looked like regulars and they were sooo cute. Every time someone talked to them they would wag their tail feathers.

We have been in a severe drought for about a year now so the poor wildlife has to find water where ever
they can . . . even if it is from the air conditioning condensation.

Happy Friday to you, and here's to the weekend . . .  up, up and away!

Love, Kim

P.S. If you saw my Friday night lights post on our first district game where we beat the State Champs, well we are 5-0 going into our game this weekend, wish them luck! Go Chargers, win the fight for 518!! Whoo hoo! ; )


Photo Art Friday

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Hip, hip, hooray!!

It's Sunday, and you know what that means . . .

It's time to pull out our bag of scavenger hunt items,
and lay them on the table.

So here are the prompts and what I found:

1. Words: Words are very powerful and extremely encouraging. This picture is of a note that one of my two
    leaders from a bible study gave me along with the box. I can't remember what they called the box, but it
    is for collecting words of encouragement we receive so that we can go back through them on the days
    that we forget or need to be uplifted. I had forgotten about this box until this prompt, and not because I
    haven't needed the words, I guess I just got out of the habit of putting them in there. I won't be forgetting -
    it was so nice to read them again!

2. Under:  Sometimes it's a little scary to be under a bird, if you know what I mean, especially when it's a
    flock of them - this happened to be the only one I managed to capture.

 3. Orange: Once again I found another prompt at my favorite nursery. I can just imagine these hanging
     around a Tiki hut by the side of a pool while sipping a drink with an umbrella! ; )

4. Fly:  Yep, you should know by now that I will take every opportunity to photograph a bug if I can make
    it work with the prompt! Just look at how cute his little shadow is!

5. Always look on the bright side: WARNING, you might need sunglasses! I've been practicing my sunflares
    and starbursts and trying not to blind myself at the same time! (Whew ) Remember, if you can't find the
    bright side just keep turning around, eventually you'll find it!

I highly encourage you to continue the scavenger hunt here, you won't be disappointed

Hope your weekend is great!

Love, Kim

Friday, October 21, 2011

Foto Friday - Thinking Pink

Pink . . .

 . . .  it looks soft and tender, like a pillow 
and feels like the velvety petals of a flower 
it exudes romance and is the true color of love 
it sounds like a babbling brook or a whispering breeze 
that brings a feeling of calmness  
with a beautiful scent like that of a rose 
and the sweetness of cotton candy
it is a color of joy and happiness
and that of hope.

With October being breast cancer awareness month I want to dedicate
this PINK post to all those who are battling with, have survived or knows of someone
that has been affected by breast cancer.

{Your eyes do not deceive you, this is indeed orange - linking with La-la's Home daycare - theme is orange}

{linking with Photo Art Friday}

All it takes is one bloom of hope to make a spiritual garden
- Terri Guillemets

Have a wonderful weekend, and I wish for you much hope on whatever
it is that you struggle with in your journey.

Love, Kim

  Photo Art Friday

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This and That Thursday

Sometimes you just have those days . . .
Those days when nothing seems to go right, AND you realize that you can't use
your tripod because the part that goes on the bottom of the camera is on the video camera,
which is in the trunk of your husband's car, that is in the parking lot at the airport.
A day when your frustration level is high and you really just want to meet
your best friend for coffee because you know she will make you laugh,
but she now lives 1,200 miles away and then you just feel sad.
I know you've had one of those days . . .

So I did what I do often, I took my camera to a nursery to be around 
some of the happiest things I know - flowers - it turned my frown upside down!!

Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity.

- John Ruskin

So, what is it that turns your frustration around? Do tell!

Love, Kim

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

After my walk last weekend I really haven't been out with my camera much until yesterday
when we went to the Wings over Houston airshow. So I decided to see if I could find
all of my prompts from the photos I took there. 

1. Abstract: All the blurriness caused from the jet juel fumes was the only thing remotely resembling 'abstract'. I'm not sure how abstract it is, but I do like the effect. This is one of the jets from the Heavy Metal
Jet team consisting of four L-39's and one MiG-17.

2. Round: The wheels on the jeep go round and round - and well they're round. You're probably wondering
why there is an old army truck at an air show. Well, they have a reenactment of the attack on Pearl Harbor (Tora, Tora, Tora ) and I may have to share the rest of those photos with you at a later date.

3. Fire: Lots and lots of fire . . . part of the Tora, Tora, Tora show !

4. Seeing faces in strange places: Can't remember what type of plane this is but oh so glad
to see a face painted on it. This is better than the brick with a bird face, trust me! ha

5. Stars: These were the 9 pilots that flew the Canadian Snow Birds, and just some of the stars from the day.

Kind of feel like I cheated this week. I started off with a few others but decided since several of them
were from the show I would just follow through with the theme. If you ever get a chance to get to Houston in the fall you should check out the show - ranked one of the top 5 airshows in the nation.

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!

Love, Kim