
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is in the air . . .

Love is . . . 
knows no bounds
and has the infinite power to change lives
not just today but all year
it does not divide . . . but multiplies
it lives within all of us
and isn't something you can keep just for yourself
it's strong, yet so fragile
and should be nothing but unconditional
an expression of yourself
and being open to the expression of others
and seeking the welfare of another

"Love, as an open book"

it's about passion and desire
two hearts joined as one
we show it with compassion and affection
and should never be anything but . . . colorblind
supporting yet not overbearing
a basic human need
and a deep spiritual connection in the depth of your soul
understanding and forgiving
although sometimes it's complicated
it has a unique ability to stretch the heart
patient and kind
definitely not boastful
and should never rejoice in right and wrong
acceptance is a huge requirement
and it should include random acts of kindness
sometimes it just feels like an unexplainable mystery
a feeling that is hard to define

"He believe is me"

while it causes some hearts to be courageous
there will be those that will be broken
it's sharing, believing and dreaming
and it endures all, hopes all, and bears all things
it is spoken in different languages all over the world
and in unselfishly expressed actions
it hurts when someone doesn't feel it back
something that can make you laugh and cry at the same time
it matters not how old you are
for there is no age limit
 you feel this when you genuinely care for someone
a parent, a child, a friend
but it shouldn't be kept from strangers either

"Love in a tree"

it can be passionate and romantic
maybe even a little scary
definitely fun and spontaneous
and it will have its highs and lows
we don't just feel this for people
but for nature and life
there are songs written about it
we express it in our art
and millions of words have been spoken about it
the bible commands us to do this to our neighbors as we would do unto ourselves
because it is something no one should ever be without
And what we were all created for.

"Love is in the air" -{Photo Art Friday}

 Love can be found here
rooted on a hill in a field
both wings and branches outstretched
one providing shelter
the other seeking rest
where a home will be built
and where life will be found in a nest
yes love can be found here
what will be will be
each created for the other
companions found in a bird and a tree.
- Kim

I wish you all a beautiful day!
I {Heart} you,
Kim xo

P.S. - I'm running out to enjoy some time with my Valentine and will visit you all later!


  1. Really thoughtful post, Kim...I wish you beautiful love today and all days. Beautiful images to enhance your lovely post!!

  2. An inspiring post with beautiful photos. I love the tree surrounding by floating hearts.
    Happy Valentine's Day, enjoy with your sweetie.

  3. You really are gifted with word! Love this and all so true. The images are gorgeous as well. t
    Thankful to be getting to know someone as wonderful as you!

  4. Holy cannoli! The landscape with the hearts in the sky - just wonderful! What a beautiful card that would make... picture for the wall..

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Such a romantic and creative post with wonderful photography!
    ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Fabulous in both photography and words. Enjoy your time with your Valentine...leave the camera at home too! :)

  7. These are so beautiful! Happy valentines to you!

  8. Wow Kim seems like we are on the same page today! Love must be in the air! So well written and photographed!

  9. What beautiful photos to go along with such beautiful words! Just lovely!!!!

  10. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post!Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. Well done♫ The love you have is reflected nicely in this post... H♥ppy V♥lentines D♥y♫♪
    Here's my CC:

  12. Tus fotografías con texturas me encantan, son preciosas!!Bellos los motivos en todas ellas! Un abrazo grande.

  13. Beautiful words. Beautiful images. My favorite is the final image of the tree with the swirling hearts - so very creative and lovely.

  14. Such romantic imagery. Lovely dreamy pieces, perfect for today! Hope you Valentine's day is beautiful and full of wonderful memories.

  15. Kim loved your valentine's post and hope that you have had a wonderful day, and that the spirit of 'Valentine's Day" may be yours all year!

  16. Beautiful thoughts and lovely photos! My favorite is of the book with the pages in the shape of a heart. So creative!

  17. Oh, my! So much loveliness for one post. The book, the roses resting on the tree branch, and the stark tree with heart bokeh. Wow, I'm impressed.

  18. Really love that first shot, Kim. And the bird and the tree and the words just keep getting better all the time.

  19. This is such a lovely, lovely post Kim with such beautiful images too.

  20. I can't pick a favorite one - they are all too wonderful.

  21. Goodness, your images are magical and so well fitted to your words.

    Hope you had a sweet Valentine's Day.

  22. Oh my gosh your photography is so soft and luscious!!! Very creative. Thank you so much for sharing it at Cool Clicks. I deeply appreciate it.

  23. so much to love and learn from in this gorgeosity of a BEautimous post, Kim.

    I love how things flow through you and out into the Great BEyond of cyberspace making a special delivery Right Here into the Wee Cottage!!


  24. Such a creative and pretty post! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  25. Prefect words for the post of hearts.. I LOVE the last image with the lonely tree with tiny hearts in the air.. very clever!!!

  26. Beautiful post Kim. I especially love the first image with the book.

  27. Creative and lovely - every one is a gem!

  28. Wonderful words! Wonderful photos and art work!

  29. loving the edit on the first two shots!! so beautiful!

  30. Inspiring and Beautiful. Loved all your pieces. That last one with the bird and the tree is just lovely. - Your words were very enjoyable and uplifting.

  31. Wow, this is so beautiful Kim! You have such a gift with words and images.

    Thank you for sharing yourself!

  32. such incredibly inspiring words. your photos are equally as beautiful. you are very gifted.

  33. Gorgeous and inspiring post. Love is truly a gift that should be shared by all.

  34. Such a beautiful post. And such a beautiful pictures. I do hope you had a happy valentines day with your sweetheart.


  35. What a beautiful and uplifting post...gorgeous photos and thoughts! That last photo of the tree and tiny hearts is spectacular. Love is the most powerful emotion on earth...and yes, so complicated at times. Thanks for sharing, Kim!

  36. haven't visited you for a while, but now I'm back, and what a treat to my eyes and soul.
    your photographs are amazing!
    your words so true and from the heart!
    thank you, Kim!

  37. Love is beaming in this post! Beautiful work!!

  38. A beautiful post, and these photographs are just gorgeous, Kim!

  39. beautiful, just beautiful...Sorry I'm late getting here...thank you for adding your wonderful blog to the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

  40. beautifully written. perfect definition of love.

  41. Such a beautiful post Kim and your photos are beautiful. Hope your Valentine's Day was beautiful

  42. Oh Kim, this is so, so beautiful! What a wonderful post with perfect words and divine images! I just may "borrow" your words and quote them if I may??


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I love and appreciate them all!