
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thank goodness for flowers . . .

{Kim Klassen texture Aurora in overlay}

"Flowers are those little colorful beacons of the sun from which we get sunshine when dark, somber skies blanket our thoughts." - Dodinsky

Thank goodness for flowers,

their beauty,

and their texture,

for their vibrant colors,

and the way they smell.

For watching them gently sway in the breeze,

for the way they make me feel,

for peace and contentment,

for helping me to forget the things I don't want to think,

if only for a moment.

Thank you Lord for the flowers. . .

I am so far behind on my photos, not taking them, but loading them to my computer and editing them. My bee photos,  a sunrise morning earlier last month, and my little adventure with some Monarch caterpillars! Oh my, is all I can say . . . like a little miracle, a birth of life, and I've witnessed it all at my kitchen table! I can't wait to share it all with you. But there are still more doctors appointments this week, with Thursday hopefully being the day we get a more definitive answer as to what is going on. I was so full of hope yesterday as he went back to school after missing two weeks, but came home with more fever. And after carrying and lifting his backpack all day and writing, he had a lot of trouble lifting a Styrofoam cup with two hands!

I don't know if I will be able to thank you all individually, so let me take that opportunity to say thank you for your support, good wishes, positive thoughts and prayers. This blogging community is really an incredible thing and I am so blessed to know all of you!!

Love, Kim


  1. Beautiful, Kim! Love the colors and the texture that you applied. Brilliant.

  2. Standing with you as you traverse this rocky patch of the road. Praying peace and comfort for you and him, answers and wisdom for treatment for the medical staff. Know that you are loved and that unseen angels walk beside you.

  3. Poor lad. This must be so scary for him (and you). Praying for comfort. Your images are incredible, as always, Kim!

  4. This is beautiful, Kim.
    Sending prayers for good news.

  5. This is so beautiful and the texture is perfect. I pray you get some resolution soon to whatever is ailing him.

  6. I love your flower images! You create the most gorgeous art with your images and textures! Still praying!

  7. I agree thank goodness for flowers, I hope you get some answers soon Kim....

  8. Indeed - they are a sign of hope and a promise of rebirth after (at least for me) a long white winter!

  9. I continue to pray for your son and am hoping that you all get answers soon. Take care Kim.

  10. Flowers have a way of lifting our spirits. Keeping you in my thoughts and hope Thursday goes well.

  11. Kim these are so pretty, I love the angle and the background with the main flower.

  12. yes, i am so grateful for flowers for the same reason. thinking of you and your family. sending lots of love and prayers. xoxo

  13. These are so absolutely beautiful. How gorgeous. I love the flowers. I know what you mean about being so far behind...ME TOO!

  14. May you feel surrounded by angels.

  15. Your photo images today is so tenderly pretty -- pink -- you've gotta love that lovely color in flowers -- flowers, and more flowers love them - can NEVER have to many.. All the best with you little one,,

  16. Beautiful image and quote. Flowers truly are a Godsend. Still sending prayers and keeping your family in my thoughts.

  17. I'm so sorry that he was feverish again. I'm still praying for you both. Will pray for answers, hope, strength, and healing.

  18. Kim, my continued prayers for some answers and timely resolution to what is going on with your son. I am amazed you can focus on anything else - but your artwork / photography is flawless.



  19. for photos are always so beautiful Kim sending prayers and support your way-hugs Kathy

  20. Lovely!
    Hoping Thursday goes well...

  21. What a lovely flower...and I have really enjoyed seeing your monarch photos on Instagram. Kim, I continue sending prayers for your son, and I'm sending {{{{Mom hugs}}}} for you, too. I hope there will be answers soon for your son's illness.

  22. will be waiting for good news, kim! thinking of you...


  23. beautiful photos... may healing continue in your family.

  24. Gorgeous photo and processing. May you find unexpected blessings this week.

  25. "Beacons of the sun" - what a lovely thought! As is your image - with that salmon pink set off by that deep yellow center. Beautifully textured. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  26. Sweetie, I hope that everything is alright. I have missed a few posts and I see that there is a little health scare. I am thinking of you and praying for you. These flowers are mighty gorgeous. A sweet balm for a frazzled soul. Enjoy the day. Erin

  27. Beautiful photo. I am new to your blog from Kent's P52 but I hope your son is feeling better soon.

  28. Your flower is gorgeous. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your son.. I do hope they have some answers for your son soon..


  29. So glad you were able to do your Tuesday linkups! Sometimes a bit of creativity can recharge the batteries. And this is so lovely, Kim. Today is Thusday ... thinking of you and Sam.


  30. This is just beautiful, and know that the beauty that you see in your life every day is going to be a real gift in the days to come! Hugs to you!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I love and appreciate them all!