
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Being open . . .

"It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view."
- George Eliot, Middlemarch

This is our prompt for Photo Art Friday, any form of the word open. And to be honest, I thought of a lot of ways I could interpret the prompt this month.

I thought of things that could be open like doors, windows, or gates. I thought about how rooms open up to other rooms, open outdoor spaces like a patio, or even a wide open space like the beach. I entertained the idea of something that was cracked open, or left wide open . . . even something that might be a real eye-opener.

But there were so many choices that I couldn't decide, so I just started going through some old folders keeping my eyes open to new ideas. 

And this is what I found. This photo of three separate roses all in different stages of "open," that I had taken last April. And there it was sitting on my hard drive, unedited, waiting. I suppose something else had caught my eye and I never looked back.

So this is my interpretation of being open. Open to life, opportunities and most importantly to being open minded. Because really, open means not closed. It means being accessible and relatively free of obstruction.

And you know, isn't the act of having an open mind what keeps our work fresh? Isn't that what gives us new eyes every time we explore with our camera? 

So why would we be any different with people, with each other. We pick up books and going on only a small paragraph on what the book is about we read them anyway. Sometimes it's even necessary to read between the lines, what's not written, to fully understand the story. And it isn't until we reach the end of the book that we make the conclusion of whether or not we liked it or if it even resonated. And whether we liked the book or not is really beside the point isn't it. Because I believe we are better off, always, for having read the book, for stretching our mind.

Many, many times I have run into a brick wall a closed mind. I have a feeling you probably have too and it's not a fun place to be. But whether or not the story is liked, yours, mine or theirs, isn't nearly as important as the message we all get when we retain an open mind.

That message simply says, I see you.
Love, Kim

sharing with Little Things Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Photo Art Friday
                   Friday Finds, Friday Photo Journal


  1. Great read and photo! Wonderful and creative interpretation!

  2. love your interpretation of this kim! and yes it is so important to try to keep an "open mind". Sometimes, we don't even know it is closes... Have a wonderful week!

  3. Such great words and I think the thing that gets me is that as humans we often judge the small snippets we see, but really there is so much else going on behind the scenes that we don't see. Essentially, the reality of the person. Boy we humans are so quick to judge one another!

  4. Oh boy, this is so beautiful and such wonderful color of the rose!

  5. This resonates deeply with me. I have taken, in my life, several journeys from closed to open - my insecurities close me off, and a self righteous religiousness closed me off for years. I believe that I am a seeker. And that my {perhaps all of our?} natural, happiest state is openness. I think the vulnerability of staying there can feel too scary at times, but the alternative is miserable. At least in my experience. This is beautifully expressed...and the photo just brought an instant smile to my heart.

  6. gorgeous roses - wonderful post - thank you!

  7. You are so deep! Love your ideas on this. I taught a very similar lesson to my class today.

    Happy weekend!

  8. Beautiful post and the roses are gorgeous! Thanks for the eye opener!

  9. You found those flowers at the time they were intended to be found. You could go with any of those ideas for open and have a beautiful story each time. I especially like the idea of "cracked open", maybe because it is something different.

  10. The roses in different stages are exquisite and the edit beautiful. Good thing you saved this one; it was meant to be seen. Lots of food for thought and truth in your words. Very enjoyable post.

  11. Beautiful interpretation of the theme. Here's to maintaining an open mind and open heart.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Any chance you would sell a 5x7 print of your roses pic? It's BEAUTIFUL! I'd love to frame it for my mother-in-law!

  14. Roses are always so beautiful in their various stages, aren't they? And these are such a lovely, soft pink. Yes ... open. We should all be more open to love, friendship, thoughts, experiences ... well, life, I guess!

  15. Your interpretation of the prompt is brilliant - and I find your text important. As for your photo art: beautiful!

  16. You're right on in what you express so beautifully. People judge so quickly (I'm looking in the mirror - ha!). That's a beautiful textured photo to illustrate your point.

  17. Beautifully said and I agree. I love you photo for open. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Jen

  18. Such gorgeous roses! Love your post and thoughts on Open!

  19. What beautiful thoughts, and what a perfect image that was just waiting for this post...lovely!!

  20. What a wonderful post and picture. Keeping an open mind is so hard for me sometimes. I am a work in progress, but I guess that is what they call life.

  21. Beautiful and the roses are just wonderful, love that color pink

  22. Great words Kim being open is a great mantra to live by, to experience and embrace. Have a great weekend.

  23. I love the roses in their different stages of openness.

  24. Such a beautiful post! The photo art is breathtaking...

  25. Happy sigh Kim. Your edits on these roses is nothing short of brilliant. Beautiful words and post today my friend.

  26. Happy sigh Kim. Your edits on these roses is nothing short of brilliant. Beautiful words and post today my friend.

  27. You've really captured the PAF theme with your image and your words. Inspiring all!!! Your blog always presents a unique package of wonder (your art) and wisdom (your thoughts). Thanks Kim!

  28. I came over for the roses and got so much more, clever post.
    Have a great week!
    Wren #259

  29. oh my, this is most thoughty and inspiring, Kim!! I love how you make the roses feel so soft and warm. I resonate with your thoughts re: brick walls and closed minds. I listened to a really exceptional TED talk today that came at that from a BEautimous perspective.
    so so glad to BE here in PAF with you again!! BE Well. Stay open!!

  30. Absolutely perfect progression from tight bud to fully open. Reminds me of a three generations photo . . . of the floral kind. Just lovely!

  31. I LOVE this.. That photos is beautiful. Your editing is dreamy my friend.



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