
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Christmas time in the city . . .

Remember that time machine from a couple of weeks ago, well...
the great thing about a time machine is that there is no jet lag, and no expense.
One of my favorite festivals on Galveston Island is their "Dickens on the Strand,"
where when you walk through the white gates you are immediately transported back
to a 19th-century Victorian London.

And just maybe, you might hear the song "Silver Bells". . .
But mostly because that's the song this week for song-ography. (Cue the music)

City sidewalks busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style

In the air there's a feeling of Christmas

Children laughing

People passing

Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you'll hear...

Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city

Ring a ling, hear them sing
Soon it will be Christmas day.

String of street lights
Even stop lights, blink a bright red a green
(or maybe a 10 foot tall Christmas tree lady)

As the shoppers rush home with their treasures

. . . or watch the costume contest.

This was our third "Dickens" and by far the coldest. In Texas you just never know what it will be like this time of year. This year unlike years past, in shorts and a t-shirt, I couldn't bundle up enough and wished I had had ear muffs. I had to wear my hubby's barn jacket as I don't even have a winter coat anymore...normally there is no great need, but this year I could use one.

Unfortunately only three days later I came down very sick, and after a week was on the verge of pneumonia.
So, I'm on my second round of antibiotics, and finally after nearly 13 days I'm coming out on the other side.
Our tree only got put up a day a half ago, and I went shopping for the first time yesterday! Eeeek!
But, it's all good, or I keep telling myself that, lol!
Today, we are going to "deck" the tree, bake some cookies, and play some games.
It's a quiet Christmas just the four of us.

Wishing you a very joyful, merry and bright, Christmas!

Love, Kim

Oh Yes, P.S. - I have a little "jingle" over at Focusing on Life today for you...follow me there, {here}.
AND, if you would like to join me on my Facebook page you can "like it" here.  :) 

Sharing with Song-ography, Texture Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday


  1. Such great photos of the Dickens event! Love the Christmas Tree Lady. Wow. So sorry you got sick, but glad to hear you're feeling better just in time for Christmas! Be well and Merry Christmas!!

  2. Great images, love the lady dressed as a Christmas tree! Sorry you're sick but glad to hear you are on the mend. Have a lovely Christmas. x

  3. Cute post kim, Merry Christmas to you and your family

  4. Fantastic photos, truly brings you back in time. Merry Christmas.

  5. I lived on the island for 13 years and have 13 sweet memories of Dickens. What fun. Great shots. Merry Merry to you!

  6. Merry Christmas Kim to you and your family! Glad you've turned the corner and getting better!

  7. Love your shots of this event Kim. This is something that i have never been to before, but next year, am definitely going to make a point to go to this. Great shots, and so glad that you are finally feeling a bit better. Hope that you have a blessed family Christmas. It is such a short time in our lives that this family unit stays as it is. Enjoy it! Blessings to you!

  8. Oh, it looks like a fun event, and a lovely post!
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  9. So sorry you were so sick!! Hope you have a happy and HEALTHY holiday!!

  10. the Dickens event looks fabulous and so much fun. So glad to read you are on the mends-no good getting sick especially at Christmas
    Merry Christmas Kim

  11. What an amazingly awesome event. I hate to read that you got sick afterwards - but am glad you are (hopefully) well on the road to recovery.

    Merry Christmas Kim.

  12. Oh what a beautiful event. My favourite pic is the one with those hats. Hope you enjoy your Christmas with your loved ones and that you're feeling much better now Kim.

  13. I so enjoyed 'visiting' the 1800s at Christmas. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

  14. Oh what great them all, terrific captures. My brother and his family used to get dressed up and attend this celebration when they lived in Galveston Bay. So glad you are feeling better and able to enjoy Christmas with your family!! Hugs & Love

  15. What a fantastic event! Such a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season. Glad to hear that you are finally on the mend, just in time for the big day. Happiest of holidays to you and yours.

  16. This looks like a wonderful Christmas event! I love all the beautiful clothing. Glad you're feeling better. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  17. Oh, Kim, what an awful time to be sick! So glad you are feeling better in time to enjoy the holiday. Merry Christmas!

  18. What a visual treat this is! Thanks for sharing at Song-ography. Wishing you and yours a Very joyous and healthy Christmas.

  19. Wow!!! How great your photos and song matched up!! Love the photos-so festive. I'm so glad you are feeling better but 2 weeks being sick? That's bad bad bad. Hope you were able to enjoy some of Christmas. Happy holidays my friend. Xo

  20. What a fun event with awesome photos! merry christmas!

  21. WOW! If going to an event like this doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit nothing will. Love these photos. I do hope you had a Merry Christmas. And wishing you a Happy New Year my friend.



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