
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spring has been caught speeding . . .

. . . yep, it was spotted on the gulf coast going 80 in a 60 degree zone!

Now, I know, I'm not going to get much sympathy from most of you,
but we already had to turn on the A/C.

It's February people! And I was quite hoping for a REAL Spring.

But . . . 

1. I'm over the moon to see the bees again.

2. And apparently the bees are over the moon flowers to drink nectar once again. This, seemed
to be a common sight the other day at the nursery . . . they appear to have tipped the juice
a little too far and were in a suspended stuper. (He seemed to be hanging on for dear life.)

3. Look who's here . . . he emerged on Tuesday and since we've had several hard freezes I have
zero plants for a food source, so I boxed him up and took him to my nursery. I figured he would
really enjoy the variety of flowers and appreciate the fact he didn't have to fly all over looking for food.
And...that proboscis of his went right to work.

4. As I was making my way to the front I spied this Houdini leaf performing feats of wonder. If you look really, really close you can see a hint of a silk string. I didn't really think much about it, until I noticed it
was bobbing up and down? next......

5. So.....I looked up, and, what do ya know I found Charlotte! She was using the leaf for one of her anchor threads for the beautiful web she was putting the finishing touches on. She was tricky to get a picture of moving around so much because when your a spider, there is no rest for the weary.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm loving the fact that it isn't 50 shades of grey (of course by the time you
read this it could possibly be raining cats and dogs), but you have to remember . . . here on the gulf coast our summer is a little like your winter only instead of below zero, we are over a hundred. It's just that I was thinking it would be nice to have spring first.

and one more, 7. because I know you were wondering. The APHIDS are out in full force already, UGH!

Have a great weekend - I would if I could bottle some of this up and send it to you! :)

Love, Kim xo


  1. It was so lovely to see things at the nursery again.

  2. I wish you could too! Amazing shots!

  3. Smiling . . . oh I really wish you could bottle it up. Gorgeous shots and it was lovely to see it warm somewhere.

  4. Regardless of where you are located - going straight to air conditioning is never a good thing. Love your nursery captures. Right now we are in fact having thunderstorms and warmer temperatures - a few days ago - snow. I'm good and am content to wait for 80 until the proper season (but knowing us, we'll get busted for 80 in a 60 degree zone as well).


  5. Beautiful spring photos-I can't wait to see all that color and beauty here too. we miss spring here allot of years too-goes right into summer and I really enjoy a long spring
    enjoy your day

  6. Beautiful shots Kim! We had to turn our AC on as well. I am in complete agreeance with you...I wish Spring would linger for just a while instead of going from Winter to Summer...It seems we get maybe a couple of weeks of Spring and then the temps climb. Happy Thursday...enjoy the sunshine and warmer temps...

  7. Great shots! I'd be happy if I could see the ground! Spring is a couple months away for us. Hope your week includes more great shots like these in it!

  8. My cold toes would appreciate that! I'll just microwave the heating pad again! Seriously, these are beautiful shots, and give me a taste of what's buried under our white stuff and coming our way soon enough!

  9. These are so full of life! Truly a homage to spring. I'm really longing for color to return now. I'm over my dormant grass and twiggy bushes. I'm hoping for a real spring as well.

  10. I was kinda hoping for a little spring before summer also…but Im not complaining, after all I did manage to get my hands in the soil and it felt so good! Great post and photos!
    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Gorgeous shots. And since we are getting more snow tonight, and spring is still a loooonnnnnggggggg way off for us up here, it gives me great hope to see this. Thank you for brightening my day! Enjoy the day. Erin

  12. We turned the A/C on for a bit yesterday and ran it last night when we went to bed. Typical Gulf Coast weather! Your photos are stunning, as always. That suspended leaf is too cool.

  13. So beautiful, all of them!
    Thanks for showing!

  14. We have had only a hint of Spring where I am ... it came in the form of temperatures above freezing and even into the 40s. The melting of snow and the dreadful possibilities of flooding face us, but I am still looking forward, like you, to seeing the bees fly and the butterflies float about the flowers that come, finally after a very long cold winter. Each year I hope to see more honey bees, but they seem to still be in a disasterous state. I hope that someone will brave the greed of those who insist on using the poisons that are bringing bees to frightening state. Our world brings up so many questions that your art speaks to through light and abstracts and though your sharp mind and observations. I couldn't enjoy anything more than sifting through your blogs and learning. You are a blessing ... to many, I am sure.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  15. Kim, these shots are stunning. I am so looking forward to seeing bees and butterflies myself but I think it will be alittle while even though it has been warmer....

  16. These are some beautiful photos! I can't wait until spring works it way northward.

  17. I am inhaling as I look at these - I think I can smell the promise of spring....gorgeous!

  18. We have been using our ac as well.

    Spring is almost here in South Texas (Rio Grande Valley), and I have so much gardening to do to prepare.

    Your photographs are lovely as always-

    Are you self taught?
    I am struggling with low light interiors.


  19. I love the houdini leaf and yes the first thing I looked for and found is that faint silk thread. My heart is with that Monarch and I love your title of this post.

  20. I've seen some signs of spring around. Jonquil blooms, a red wasp and even a mosquito!! Personally, I'm not looking forward to summer at all, but a long spring would be nice!

  21. No, absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for you and your AC...but it is nice to dream when seeing your images of Spring, flowers & bees and butterflies. That all seems like a dream right now.

  22. Don't give up on Spring just yet, Kim! Love the Houdini leaf shot - have a fun weekend!

  23. Totally swooning over those photos, especially the bees!

  24. It's summer here in New Zealand, but I don't want to rub it into those who have snow on the ground :) Your photos capture such a variety of spring/summer beauties.

  25. Your nursery must be a delightful place! Your close-ups of the bee and the butterfly are amazing! So clear and detailed. It's fun to hear about all the creatures you are enjoying.

  26. Gorgeous photos - though I scrolled past the spider...
    Great Random 5 and have a fab Friday!

  27. Love all your photos....and I live in Central Texas, so I'm right with was 80 today and for February, that is TOO HOT! I am thankful for the freezing temps we have had this year....maybe we won't have quite so many skeeters!!!

  28. Gorgeous shots! Love those beautiful colors.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  29. Aphids already? YIKES! I do hope you get some spring before summer appears for good.

  30. Oh I have to say I am a bit jealous. Bees Butterflies and Charlotte.Wow yes jealous I know it is wrong but WOW beautiful pics. B

  31. Just gorgeous. And I'm feeling partly hopeful and partly envious! My daughter is reading Charlotte's Web right now. Always a bit of a tear jerker. Have a great weekend.

  32. We've had a couple of days in the 60s already, but that's not the norm. A little snow yesterday brought me back to reality!

  33. Lovely photos you shot. We have had warm weather a bit more inland and north too this past week. We made it to 70* a couple times. And the daffodils are budding out.

    Stopping by on R5F. Have a great weekend!

  34. Oh my! Your shots have given me a serious case of spring fever! Our temps are in the 50s today, but are going back down into the 30s next week. Ugh.
    Visiting from R5F

  35. Send some of your warm weather our way. We are only in the mid 40's and I'd love a little 60 weather right about now.
    Awesome bee photo, so pretty. I'm so glad you took the butterfly to a place where it would have plenty of food.

  36. Your images are beautiful! How nice of you to take care of the butterfly!

  37. Good to see evidence of spring, wherever it is! Warmed me right up. Absolutely LOVE the hanging leaf - magical!

  38. UGH...Your little thumbnail photo drew me in and now I just feel tortured by the beauty. Lucky you!! Back to my rain, sleet, melting snow and flooding basement. Thanks for the reprieve :)

  39. Awe, so pretty - it's great see life!

  40. Please Please Please send us some better weather!!! LOL
    We had another 6 inches of snow on Tuesday :-(
    OMG ... those shots .... .... gorgeous!!!
    Have an awesome weekend.
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  41. Critter are alive and well in Texas and in AZ, I have never seen so many bees this year they are all over the place this year. Guess that is why my nose and eyes are giving me fits right now also.

  42. Great shots. We had an intense rain storm today, but temps will cool off again hooray! Before the heat and unrelenting humidity take over...

  43. Oh Kim, these are gorgeous captures! Spring is still quite a long way off for us.

  44. beautiful photos to remind us that spring is on the way . Thank you for joining the fun and sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥

  45. It is pretty darn warm here in Nevada as well. Trees are in full bloom. I just haven't had time to take photos. Sad story I know.. Loving your photos my friend.



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