
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

To marvel at . . .

. . . everything!

"All God's creations great and small,
the Golden Gate and the Taj Mahal..."

- The Miracle by Queen

"The Golden garden gate"

"We're having a miracle on earth, mother nature does it all for us. . . 
The wonders of the world go on . . ."

. . . and on and on whether or not we are paying attention.
Slow down and observe.

"If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle. . . "

I would be the first one in line to buy that book!
And what a story it would tell about photosynthesis...a miracle all by itself.
So much going on inside that leaf, a life force.
Slow down and appreciate.


"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is." - Albert Einstein

So often we (I), associate miracles with being on a grand when our kids were born, or someone survives a really horrible car crash. Or when a tornado wipes out a town and there are no fatalities. 

But the reality is, a million little miracles happen to each of us every single day and probably go unnoticed as such. Maybe, or more likely, a lot of them are things we might associate with as mere annoyances (like hitting every red light). Things that put us in the right place at the right time, that connects us with someone else, that keeps us from harms way. Because timing is everything.

We probably even think of them as more of a coincidence rather than miracles.

But you know, I imagine something really incredible, even miraculous perhaps, would happen if we chose to live all our moments as if they were miracles. Maybe even something called gratitude, because gratitude changes the heart for sure, and it doubles that thing called joy.

Love, Kim


  1. Love your leaf image! It would look wonderful framed on a wall. It is such a good reminder to live as though everything is a miracle. How many leaves to we walk past each day without giving it any thought? Well, you have made me stop and think about it today. I can't wait until our trees get leaves so I can take a macro of a leaf. :)

  2. Beautiful post, Kim! The little miracles that you speak of everyday is not a coincidence and being able to step back, look and listen is something I look forward to everyday! Your photos are incredible...thanks for sharing!

  3. Image #2 blows me away! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Beautiful post, Kim! You know I am loving that photo of the butterfly laying her eggs! Is that a Spicebush Swallowtail?

    I had to thank God for a delay yesterday. If I had been there a few minutes earlier, I could have been involved in an accident. Miracles do happen every day. We just need to open our eyes to see them.

  5. Wonderful article. I agree, often times it is the small things, the ones we hardly recognize anymore that are true miracles. Which is why I love my camera too, because somehow I seem to be seeing differently with it.
    I can hardly believe you captured the butterfly laying her eggs - that is amazing. Other than that, I really like your photo of the gate.

  6. Such pretty photos. The open garden gate says welcome. God has created a wonderful world full of miracles for us to enjoy and for His glory. Have a blessed day, Heather

  7. Timing for sure! I'm just in awe that you fought that perspective of the egg laying. Now when I see one in that pose I'll have to go investigate.

  8. We do need to be more aware of the 'ordinary' miracles. It would make us not only more grateful but happier and better people, too. Lovely post, photos.

  9. The macro of the leaf amazes me! Your post hits home for me, too. I try to remember to look for those miracles. I get so easily distracted by work, projects, chores. A camera in hand helps me notice more!

  10. I'm certainly marveling at your photos, Kim! What a gift to have captured that egg-laying! Extraordinary! And I once heard it said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous ;) Have a wonder-filled week!

  11. There truly are so many miraculous things that go on in our lives daily.... and so important to take the time to see them. Love your beautiful shots Kim!

  12. Beautiful photos!
    Please come link up at

  13. Beautiful and inspirational wisdom.

  14. Such gorgeous images - truly breathtaking. And thank you for the encouragement to view everything as a miracle - I believe in my heart in that philosophy, but sometimes my head forgets ...

  15. Oh my, that leaf! The detail and texture is gorgeous. Quite honestly Kim, I'm not sure I know anyone who takes more stunning nature photographs than you! Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.

  16. Your work and words always leave me a but speechless. You really know how to take us on an emotional journey.

  17. Dearest Kim, how I love and I mean LOVE coming to your blog for a visit. Your photos always inspire me - you have a gift, my friend.

    Thank you so much for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - it's always a joy to have you join the party. Hugs!

  18. I certainly feel we have many miracles that happen every day, so wonderful to have our God watching over us and share his creation

  19. What a pretty garden gate. How awesome is that butterfly shot! I do believe all of life is indeed a miracle.

  20. Oh wow...what a capture...amazing. I came on Wendy's suggestion (@inspired by) talking about raising butterflies as I am a novice at that.. Amazing

  21. The butterfly laying it's eggs...oh my goodness!


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