
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love . . . .

It's universal
and knows no bounds
it has infinite power to change lives
does not divide . . . but multiplies
it lives within all of us
and is not something you can keep just for yourself
strong, yet so fragile
and should be nothing but unconditional
it's an expression of yourself
and being open to the expression of others
it represents compassion and affection
and when used appropriately it is . . . colorblind
supporting, yet not overbearing
 a basic human need
and a deep spiritual connection in the depth of your soul
understanding and forgiving
although sometimes it's complicated
it has a unique ability to stretch the heart
 patient and kind
definitely not boastful
one huge requirement is acceptance
and it should include random acts of kindness
sometimes, it just feels like and unexplainable mystery
a feeling that is hard to define
it's sharing, believing and dreaming
and it endures all, hopes all, and bears all things
it is spoken in different languages all over the world
and in unselfishly expressed actions
it hurts when that special someone doesn't feel it back
something that can make you laugh and cry at the same time
there is no age limit
you feel this when you genuinely care for someone
a parent, a child, a friend
but, let's also not keep it from strangers
sometimes it's scary
our words put into action
it can be passionate and romantic
and it will have its highs and lows
sometimes sadness and tears will come with it
songs are written about it
it is expressed in our art
and millions of words have been spoken about it
the bible says to do this to our neighbors as we would do unto ourselves
it may not make the world go around, but it's a really good place to start
and is something no one should ever be without
it seems to be one of the most motivating emotions know to man...

It's called LOVE and I hope it spreads like wildfire!

I {heart} you,

Sharing with communal global and:

Sweet Shot Day Live, Love, Travel


  1. Wow Kim...I usually comment on your photography but I have to say your words are just incredible! Wishing you an abundance of love too, EVERY day...and not just Valentines Day :)


  2. Nice words and a BEAUTIFUL picture.

    warm greetings, Joop

  3. oh these are so beautiful! perfect shot for valentine's day!!

  4. Wow!
    Awesome post!
    The words and shot are beautiful!

  5. Well those certainly are gorgeous Kim!!!!

  6. Kim, the flowers are gorgeous and yes, so many forms of love and aren't we lucky to possess such feelings? Imagine those individuals that lack love in their life!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Beautiful flowers and sentiments!

  8. Beautiful post, Kim.
    Happy Valentine's Day my friend!

  9. Lovely post! The flowers are absolutely stunning with the texture!

  10. What a wonderful post...beautiful, both in image and in words! This was a pleasure to see and read. :)

  11. There is beauty in your words and your image today....hope your day was filled with love!!

  12. Love the roses, love the words, and I really love the font. Such a creative and inviting post. Hope you had a great day.


  13. Goregous roses and lovely words about love... hope your Valentine's Day was as special as you are! :)

  14. Simply gorgeous photo and beautiful words to love by!

  15. So beautifully expressed . . . love the words and the photo.

  16. This is lovely -- the sentiment and the photography!

    You were so kind to stop by our Focusingonlife new blog! I really appreciated your kind words.

    Have a lovely day and thanks again!

  17. Oh Kim I really, really like this shot!
    You processed it so lovely, too.

  18. Totally love this post! The words that stood out to me were "supporting, yet not overbearing"... spoke right to what I am trying to focus on right now!!

  19. Kim, this could not possibly be more wonderful.
    The photograph is so beautiful, and your words equally so.
    Sending you wishes for a fantastic weekend!

  20. Wonderful post! And the photo is absolutely gorgeous.


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