
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Well, this is going to be short and sweet . . . not feeling quite myself after I blacked out in the bathroom last night and planted my face into the corner wall. It has been a rough couple of weeks to say the least!  So while you check out what I found (or scrapped from the archives-sorry) I'll be over there with an icepack....

1. Strike a pose:   While on a walk last weekend I stopped off at a nursery that also sells many small statues.
There was no problem getting them to strike a pose! ; )

2. Footwear:  The jury is out on this one . . . they have all gone to the beach and are barefoot! lol

3. Hobby:  One of my many other hobbies is making jewelry. I wove by hand the viking knit chain and attached are also fine silver charms I made by hand and fired in my kiln. Unfortunately the price of silver has gotten so high that I haven't worked with it in a while.

4. Shiny: Can't think of anything shinier than the sun.

5. Color me Green:  . . . against a sparkly blue ocean.

Here is to the hope of a new and better week.

Love, Kim



  1. oh my gosh! are you okay after falling? I hope so! your jewelry projects sounds intriguing... I've yet to give it a try! i'm kind of a "fumble fingers" with smal things.
    do take care.

  2. These are all amazing shots. I can't even pick a favorite. Cause they are all amazing..

  3. What an awful ordeal you've been through this week - I know you mentioned things weren't 100% the time before last in terms of medication etc. I'm really sorry - you must be feeling quite fragile and unsure right now until you can get some definitive answers. Hope your week provides both that and some relief. So impressed with the jewellery you make from hand - the bracelet you've shown is beautiful. Your shiny shot is outstanding.

  4. That sunset picture is amazing! It makes me want to be on that beach immediately. Just gorgeous.

  5. Beautiful Sun Picture, and you are right there is nothing more shiner. I hope you recover quickly and all the best.

  6. Oh my goodness Kim, I hope you are okay. Take good care of yourself! I think the sun photo is amazing but I also love the greenery with the blue skies as the backdrop!
    keep the icepak cold...

  7. I LOVE your 'pose'!!!! But I LOVE little birds!
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. Love that shiny shot - so beautiful.

  9. Kim...hoping for a better upcoming week(s) for you my friend! That jewelry piece is exquisite! Do you have a site with more photos of ur pieces? And I am such a bokeh fanatic, so I love that green shot.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. All your shots are truly lovely. The necklace in your hobby shot is gorgeous. The sun setting over the water is my favourite. Sweet bokeh in the green shot . . . so soft and gentle. I hope you are feeling better today after that fall. Take care.

  12. oh where are you locating green grass these days??

  13. Your necklace is amazing!
    Love all your shots......
    Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!

  14. Oh sweetie, I hope you're ok! You're photos are amazing, the sunset is just gorgeous. And of course I love the jewelry!!

  15. So sorry you fell! Feel better! I love the sunset shot.

  16. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your blackout. I hope you're better soon...your photos are beautiful, as is your jewelry!

  17. Oh my god Kim, that must have been scary. I hope you're ok. Sending hugs. Love your jewelry, it looks gorgeous.

  18. Your necklace is the images.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  19. How awful to black out and hurt yourself . . .really hope you feel better soon. I love this set of photos and your jewellery is amazing . . that design is simply stunning. . . .Hope you have a good week, Teresa x

  20. What a sunset! The way the rays were caught breaking through just fantastic!

  21. Oh my gosh first off I hope you are okay. That had to have been scary.
    Next I like your series a great deal.
    Your bracelet for your Hobby shot is wonderful.
    Loved your Shiny and Color me Green shots.
    Oh and the little bird statue for Strike a pose, so cute.
    Good chuckle on the footwear or lack there of.
    Take care of yourself.

  22. Oh Kim I wasn't around at the weekend so I'm late catching up and so sorry to read about your blackout. I think your necklace looks so beautiful - you are so very talented. I really liked your shot of the grass with that lovely bokeh from the water as the background.

  23. Goodness, I hope you are feeling better! The fine silver charms and viking knit are really stunning-nice work. The current price of silver has deterred me from working with fine silver as well.

  24. Wow, hope you're better soon. Love your shiny and greens and hope your new week brings you job.

  25. yikes... hope you recover quickly! love your beach shots... of course I am ALL about the beach! ;) blessings~~

  26. That sunset takes my breath away!!!! I can't think of a better place to take one in than on the beach!!

  27. My goodness Kim, I hope you are okay.

    These are wonderful images for the prompts.

    Please do take care of you!

  28. The shiny image is gorgeous! So sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you are ok friend!

  29. Hello Kim

    You have many nice pictures on your blog..... it's a pleasure to visit your blog.

    warm greetings from Holland, Joop


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