
Friday, February 3, 2012

Foto Friday - Hide and seek

Last weekend I felt the need to get out and get some fresh air, but it was pretty late in the day
and found myself thinking twice about going as I wasn't sure if I would make it before I lost the light . . . I decided to go anyway and I'm glad I did. It seems a lot of others had the same idea and the places I normally park to walk the trail were full up, and the sun was quickly setting. I drove a bit further and found a spot
along side the road right by the {small} bridge I would've crossed {by foot} anyway. I began to walk,
towards the ocean . . .

"It is light that reveals, light that obscures, light that communicates.
It is light I "listen" to. The light late in the day has a distinct quality,
as it fades toward the darkness of evening. After sunset there is a
gentle leaving of the light, the air begins to still, and a quiet descends.
I see magic in the quiet light of dusk. I feel quiet yet intense energy in
the natural elements of our habitat. A sense of magic prevails.
A sense of mystery. It is a time for contemplation, for listening -
a time for making photographs."

- John Sexton

 . . . and right before I crossed that {small} bridge this caught my eye. The light of dusk has such
a beautiful golden glow about it, soft and painterly are the reflections.

After I had my brief moment by the ocean, I turned around in a race to get back before
the sun was completely gone, which turned into a game of hide and seek.  And well, a race to avoid
 the mosquitoes too!

I had just gotten back to the bridge and in less than 10 minutes the sun was slipping away . . .
the shadows were coming out to play.

A little fun in picnik, boy am I going to miss picnik!! Hmmm, I might have to put this on a canvas . . .
I used smudge, ripple blocks and then hex dots and to top it off a slight texture, all picnik.

{Photo Art Friday}

And sometimes what is barely visible by the light, is revealed by the interception of it. I could hardly
see that heron sitting there until I saw his shadow.

{P52 project, Shoot edit submit}

It's time to head home . . . for both of us!

Next time I should probably take a flashlight, I barely got off the trail before I couldn't see where I was going, which considering I was sharing this habitat with alligators and snakes . . . well, I should just
leave earlier next time! ; ) Funny how the mind plays tricks when you can't see well, and your
hearing becomes heightened. I imagined all kinds of  lions, and tigers and bears oh my!

"The other day when I was walking through the woods,
I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree."
- Stephen Wright

I often only visit this area in the early morning, sometimes afternoon, but I will be going back again
at dusk to visit this beautiful light and the lack of it and the story it tells me in its reflections.

Have a wonderful weekend y'all!! ; )

Love, Kim

  project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge  Photo Art Friday


  1. OOOOOOH...lovin' all this light your captured. That photo you edited for PhotoArt Friday is quite fabulous. Looks like a water color painting. And I'm with you...walk towards the light :)


  2. I'm so glad you went too, Kim. These are wonderful -- love the blue hour(s.)

    I'm going to miss Picnik too. Why does Google have to acquire everything?

  3. These are some gorgeous shots!!

  4. i'm wowed! splendidly beautiful shots!
    that's my dream view everyday!

    happy weekend!


  5. Kim, you awed me the Heron! I can't believe you stayed on that trail until after dark-I am a little squeamish just walking out in the back yard after dark:) Alligators and critters!

  6. Vonda, I was walking REALLY fast! lol

  7. what amazing photos! i would really like to see you at my sky project: *ein stück himmel - a piece of heaven*. if you like... :)

  8. You really do capture some beautiful sunsets...gorgeous!! And I love your closing quote...he is a funny man.

  9. Kim you got such gorgeous shots, it really does pay to go out at different times of the day. I know what you mean about how the mind can play tricks on you. When I lived in CT I used to visit a national park that had a lot of snakes, every autumn the leaves would rustle and I would be on tender pins thinking there were rattlesnakes all around me!

  10. Such gorgeous light. Looks like you caught it at just the right moment!

  11. Incredible shots, Kim. So glad you got out so you could share with us. Happy weekend.

  12. Wow, gorgeous shots, beautiful reflections.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend.

  13. Oh my stars Kim- these are so serine & beautiful!!!

  14. What beautiful light you have captured here Kim!
    I think the first image is purely magical.

  15. Wow ~ amazing shots, just beautiful ~ thanks for sharing...

  16. Wonderful! The Sunset shots are divine.

  17. I loved every picture in the series. Just magic.

  18. Beautiful, beautiful pics! Love the reflections. Gorgeous!

  19. An awesome post Kim! Your photography, writing, quotations and editing are truly inspiring!
    Thank you for sharing such inspiration with Photo Art Friday.

  20. Gorgeous! Can't wait to hit the trails once it is nicer. This looks so pretty and peaceful.

  21. Looks like it was the perfect time to visit...just beautiful. Have a great weekend.


  22. They are all stunning Thank you for sharing such beauty with us...and such a wonderful area for your quotes, too.

  23. Excellent and beautiful photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  24. Your photos are spectacular...oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to take a short drive and then "walk toward the ocean". I absolutely love your images and your beautiful thoughts! Thank you for sharing.

  25. wow! those are beautiful! {i'm a picnik fan too...and still in denial...i have yet to figure out what i'm going to use!}

  26. Oh wow... that shot with the heron reflection is gorgeous. So is the one you are thinking about putting on canvas - what a great set of photos.

  27. Beautiful blog and really very wonderful photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Visting from PAF.

  28. Beautiful images. I love the soft warm lighting and the reflections.

  29. Gorgeous! I love the moodiness in the photo's. If that makes any sense at all! LOL! :)

  30. Great shots with very nice ligh and colors.

    regards, Joop

  31. Gorgeous, gorgeous light. How wonderful to visit this familiar place at a new time of day. Those silhouettes are gorgeous. Wonderful thought: "And sometimes what is barely visible by the light, is revealed by the interception of it." Thank you so much for sharing in Exploring with a Camera!

  32. I've popped over from Exploring with a Camera-
    Your post is full of beautiful images! The quote from John Sexon is perfect. I felt like I was along on the walk with to beat the fading light.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I love and appreciate them all!