
Friday, March 9, 2012

Foto Friday . . . Tip toe through the tulips, in low key

I love the light,
but sometimes the lack of it . . .  is just as mystifying.
Reduce the lighting and it just intensifies the contrast of an image and when used in a selective way
it can certainly create a little drama.

And a little drama, photographically speaking, was in order to tame the young immobile and the restless.
I bought myself some tulips, one of my favorite Spring flowers and parked myself under my covered front porch. I went out early in the morning in order to catch the light of the sun and didn't initially set out to make
these kind of images, but ooooh the light was just right for it. And since the sun was just rising over the rooftops it was at an angle and perfect for back lighting and creating nice shadowed areas and highlights of the tulips. With my camera in manual mode I completely ignored what it told me was a correct exposure and underexposed in order to get the background dark while still keeping some of the highlights. I did have to correct some of the shadows in some of the images in editing in order to get that nice rich black toned background, but not much. Slight cropping and a little sharpening was then all that was needed. I can't wait to try this again, maybe with some red roses....and my mind wanders on the other things I could try. Oh the possibilities! A drama queen might have been unleashed.....

"Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality
with which we create our own private world."

- Arnold Newman


40mm macro - 1/320s, f 9.0, ISO 160

40mm Macro, 1/250s, f3.5, ISO 160

40mm Macro - 1/250s, f 16.0, ISO 160

40mm Macro - 1/250s, f 16.0 ISO 160

In the next two images the colors are slightly different - they were taken the day after and on this day it was more overcast.
18-135mm lens - 1/160s, f5.6, ISO 400
{Shoot, edit, submit and Oh Snap! Shots of the week}

{Photo Art Friday}

18-135mm lens - 1/320s, f 5.6, ISO 400
{P52 Project}

Sometimes, when you aren't able to get around as well, you are forced to do something different.
In my case, it was being more still, haha! Not that I like being busy all the time, but I do like having the freedom to choose when and where I might go. And as soon as you aren't able to, well suddenly things you don't normally do even seem enticing! (yes, even housework and laundry) But happily I have been able to ditch the crutches, the knee is better but not great and STILL waiting for the results of my MRI.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with enough still moments to try something different!
Love, Kim

P.S. And if you do, let me know as I would love to check it out!

Also sharing with Share the Shot - this week, purple.

Photo Art Friday  project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge Happily Mother After


  1. Oh my - let me die in your light! These are simply divine Kim! As much as I am a proponent of textures, have to say in this case the texture just gets in the way of your gorgeous photography.

    Glad to hear your knee is a little better - and hope the MRI results come soon and the news is good. Take care.

  2. All I can say is, "Wow!" These are really artistic!

  3. Glad you're feeling on the mend. These are just exquisite!! It's fun to go against the camera's recommendations and see what you get. Usually I get junk but every once in a while. Thanks for sharing your settings too.
    Oh, and I love the quote from Arnold Newman.

  4. I just would like to see you "tip toe-ing" with crutches! How long are you going to be on them Kim? Thank you soooo much for sharing how you did these photos. They are quite dramatic, and striking. I particular love that fourth shot. The lighting and color, the off center composition...and most particularly...that slight curve of the one petal...askew from the rest of the petals. Have you considered putting any of your shots on Canvas? This would just be STUNNING!!!!!!

  5. Oh yowza (not sure if that is a word) but these are really gorgeous. Tulips are beautiful and you have just brought them to a new level of loveliness. Kathy is right, one of them on canvas would be spectacular!! Glad to hear the crutches are gone, but take it easy!!

  6. So wonderful......lovely colors to.

    greetings, Joop

  7. Amazing~beautiful and rich colors.

  8. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Had to write it three times because I just love these shots!

  9. OMG! That is totally amazing! My sister has a thing for tulips and she would love to have this hanging somewhere! I love the saturated color and the graceful curves. The lighting is tremendous.
    Enjoy the day.

  10. I'm speechless - these tulips (and YOU) are awesome!

  11. Loving those images Kim, they look so dramatic. Funnily enough I bought myself some tulips today. :0)

    Sorry to hear you're still in pain but glad you've been able to ditch those crutches. Hopefully you'll get your results soon. It's no fun waiting.

    Have a great weekend.

  12. WOW!!! These are breathtaking. So beautiful.

  13. Beautiful photographic works!

  14. These are just gorgeous. Exquisite photos and treatment. The first one is my favorite -- I love the depth of field. Hmmm. I was just thinking about tulips.

  15. Gorgeous! You need to link up with Amy @shewearsmanyhats since the color is purple this week.

  16. Oh, and I hope you get the results of the MRI soon. Glad it's better.

  17. The lack of light just brings out the richness more, its beautiful!
    Good luck with your MRI results!

  18. Wonderful shots ... that 3rd shot is absolutely stunning!

  19. Kim, each of these is just gorgeous! Such beautiful tones and colors.

    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend!

    P.S. So glad the crutches are history!! :-)

  20. The tulips are gorgeous. I love the contrast of the purple and the black. I love the light and the detail. Amazing.

  21. Oh WOW! The lighting is amazing in your photos, they are just gorgeous.

  22. wow kim - these are incredible! you're definitely not allowing that knee to keep you from taking some fantastic photos!! and, favorite. :) have a great weekend!

  23. Beautiful lighting on these gorgeous tulips. I especially love the drama in No 3... Thank you for including your exposures.

    Glad to hear the knee is feeling better.

  24. I am loving the drama of the lighting with the deep purples. Exquisite captures! The third photo is my favorite. Thank you for sharing!

  25. I am loving the drama of the lighting with the deep purples. Exquisite captures! The third photo is my favorite. Thank you for sharing!

  26. I love the light and shadows you captured with these. And tulips are my absolute favorite!

  27. These are fantastic! The lighting in this photos is so dramatic! The shadowing is amazing as well. Have a great weekend!

  28. You must be so thrilled with these - there's a dramatic feel to them. Skilful work indeed.

  29. Stunning, great editing.

  30. Kim - these are beautiful indeed. You definitely have the dramatic down pat. thanks so much for sharing your images. visiting from PAF. Karen

  31. These are amazingly beautiful, a treat for the eyes. The colour, light an composition are wonderful.

  32. I am a little late visiting this week, sorry. Oh wow. I love the light in these shots. Just stinking beautiful!!!

  33. LOVE every one of these photos and I am featuring one of them at this week's Oh Snap! party!!! Thanks for linking up! Hope to see you weekly at HMA. :)


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