
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Scavenger Hunt Sunday got here before I new it before I was ready, yikes!
So here we go.....
{ water}

Have camera will Lowe's...while your husband looks for a filter,
you head to the garden center. And even though he might get done before you
at least it doesn't cost him anything but a little time! ; )

{ light }

On Monday it was just us girls so we got in the car and were on a mission to watch the sun set.
And although I have been to this spot before, I completely missed the exit and had to turn around and get back on the highway. The only thing is we didn't go far enough and had to get back on only to miss the exit again! All the while the sun was slipping was kind of comical....but we gave it one more try and finally made it to our spot with about 3 minutes to spare and as you can see it was just about to disappear.

{ Chocolate }

Can't believe I almost forgot about this one....Oh there could have been so many possibilities, but
because this was a last minute attempt I'm just really glad we had some chocolate chips!
I did heat them up in the microwave since they get a little lighter in color and to give them a little sheen.

{ animal }

I had to pull this one from the archives, and although I have some much better animal photos, this one comes with a little story. This was last December at the Dickens on the Strand, and this elephant had a bit of a playful side to him. As you can see in this photo he had stolen the flag he has from the little boy in the green shirt and did not want to give it back. But prior to that, every time he went by where I was standing he would veer off track towards me, and the trainer would have to steer him back. This went on for about 3 trips around, until, with my camera to my eye he tried to steal my glasses....and although he wasn't successful, I   got slimmed! And elephants don't have very nice breath! We'll just say the glasses ended up on the ground and were never quite the same!

{ crowded}

 I just wasn't anywhere there was a crowd this week, so I pulled this from December when we went to San Antonio....this is the riverwalk at Christmas, and it's always crowded. But on this particular night it was extra crowded as the Baylor and Washington football teams were in town, and complete with their bands they paraded through the river while we ate at the restaurant on the right . . . the best fish tacos!!

Okay, it's your turn - but don't forget to check out the other finds over at Ashley's, Ramblings and photos!

Have a great rest of the weekend!
Love, Kim


  1. I love that first shot. The reflection in that drop is fantastic.

  2. Such a great mix of shots. I particularly like your water photograph.

  3. Gorgeous set Kim, love "chocolate", the look so 'melt in your mouth' delicious! And even though it was difficult to get there "light" is gorgeous, love the tree silhouette.

  4. Double WOW! Cannot even attempt to chose a favorite. Stunning set Kim!

  5. A great series Kim! That first image is brilliant!!

  6. The river walk at night is gorgeous! I was there once many years ago! Love the light picture too! Great finds Kim!!

  7. that chocolate is making me hungry!

  8. Your 'water' shot is beautiful! I really need to practice that and can't wait for spring to do just that! LOVE your chocolate chips too!

  9. Oh my goodness. I am 100% in love with your chocolate chips! : ) What a great picture!

  10. Your light shot is beautiful! And those chocolate chips look so yummy!

  11. your first three shots are so beautiful

  12. Honest to goodness, you have such a knack for macro. That first shot with the water droplet (did you take a spray bottle to Lowes with you! haha). But what I REALLY love about that photo is that beautiful curve and color of the flower/leaf. Just gorgeous. And just when I think chocolate can't get any better looking...along you come and pop it in the micro wave for that beautiful "Kim" touch! I'm going to jot down that little tip, if you don't mind. Excellent collection.

  13. Love the photo of water! gorgeous colors! and gosh, who can resist that chocolate?

  14. That water shot is quite simply amazing. Love your sunset and crowded as well.

  15. Your water shot is my favorite. I think it's great that you used your time for such productiveness. I would have never thought to take pictures there! The sunset picture is also very lovely.

  16. Laughing at your sunset photo that almost wasn't! I'm horrible when it comes to driving somewhere I'm not familiar with.

    Lovely shots Kim. :)

  17. Wonderful!! The chocolate one is absolutely divine!

  18. Great shots this week. Love the shot of the River Walk. I visited the River walk when I was in 5th grade. It wasn't as crowded or as beautiful as your picture but it was well worth the visit! Love the sunset picture...third time is a charm and well worth the wait!
    I also love your water capture, so beautiful!

  19. The first and last are my faves, so amazing, that macro shot is and the trees covered in lights look so pretty :)

  20. Loved looking through your set- particularly the first three.

  21. Ok. That water image is gorgeous, and the chocolate? I almost licked my screen! :) Have a great week friend!

  22. Ok. That water image is gorgeous, and the chocolate? I almost licked my screen! :) Have a great week friend!

  23. Amazing set - I really love your first shot!

  24. As always, a fantastic set of images! I love, love, love the water drop! Such beautiful colors in the reflection! Also, love your chocolate shot! I'll have to remember to melt the chips a little for this great look!!

  25. I adore every single one!!!! Great set!

  26. lovely set! Water is just magnificent!

  27. Wonderful set. Those Chocolate Chips look delicious, I like that you melted them slightly.
    The Elephant (Animal) was nice and I really enjoyed the story behind the photo.
    Crowded - Looks like everyone was enjoying a good time.
    Top Picks: Water and Light, both are just delightful.

  28. He, he, he, you crack me up with the sunset and elephant stories. Beautiful captures.

  29. Oh wow, I just love them all this week AND the stories that go along with each one. I have found myself at Lowe's or Home Depot many times with camera in hand. Great shots, no cost!!

  30. I love that first one with that little water droplet refraction........beautiful soft colours too.

  31. OMG love your set. Cannot pick a favorite.

  32. Oh my goodness! That water drop is divine! Love it!

  33. These photos are just stunning Kim! My favorite has to be the water droplet. Anyone who has tried to take pictures of water drops knows how difficult it is to get that great shot. I must say you've sure managed to get that great shot.

  34. Kim, these are such fantastic images for the prompts! I especially love the first one. Those shots are not at all easy to get, and you have done it so beautifully!

    Sending you wishes for a wonderful day ahead!

  35. Hello Kim! Just stopping by to say hello, and that I love the photos that you have posted here. Especially love the water droplet with the reflection on the first photo. Just great! Be sure to stop by my blog post and check out the winner for Bonnie's texture giveaway, AND if it just happens to be you, be sure to send me your email within a day. Have a wonderful week. Jeanne


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I love and appreciate them all!