
Friday, October 12, 2012

A textured Friday . . .

"Everywhere water is a thing of beauty
gleaming in the dewdrop,
singing in the rain."

- John Ballantine Gough

Oh wow, I haven't even been out with my camera this week - I haven't felt well, which is why it's been a little quiet on my side of the pond. So, I finally went to the doctor and have a sinus infection, fluid filled ears and seasonal asthma! UGH!!  It's amazing what a couple of days of medication can do though . . . which is a good thing . . . because I'm not very good at doing nothing.

This week at Bonnie's photo art Friday the theme is liquid. So I went to my archives for a few photos with some kind of liquid and decided to have some texture fun.

This first one, dew drops on a weed stem . . . 

If you haven't noticed, I do seem to have a fetish with water drops. In fact I carry a small spray bottle in my camera bag along with an eyedropper . . . yep,  my big tip for the day!!

{Photo Art Friday and Foto Friday}

This one I textured with her new freebie, Blue Depths in overlay - just love how it complimented the stone wall but in a subtle way.

These are the same rose, different textures . . . the bottom photo has her soft sunset texture in 2 layers, both in overlay. Such a great painterly effect . . .

{Flower Art Friday}

Short and sweet this week, I'm going to go take a nap now! ; )

Have a great weekend!
Love, Kim

Finding Serendipity, Foto Friday


  1. these are absolutely gorgeous- I am inspired to learn the art of photography one day- meanwhile posts such as this enthrall me and meet my need for beautiful images to balance my days.
    Thank YOU~!

  2. stunning images - I think the 2nd is my favourite

  3. meltingly beautiful images for a liquid friday

  4. Lovely water drop on the second pictures. Great!

  5. Oh wow... great tip about carrying water with you. :-))

    Get well soon!!

  6. Amazing, Kim! Love the second image - that water droplet and the texture - wowie!

    Feel well soon!

  7. These are all so lovely! But I have to say I REALLY love the one with the wall/water. Gorgeous! I'm so sorry you've been under the seems that's going around right now. So many people I know (including myself) are fighting off germs! Have a wonderful weekend - thank you for sharing your beautiful photo art.

  8. All of these are marvelous Kim, love the processing on them also.

  9. Lovely photos - all of them - but that single drop of water is spectacular.

  10. Hope you're feeling better very soon, Kim! Enjoyed your water droplets - great work!

  11. Very lovely! I love that painterly effect. Enjoy your nap!

  12. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. Bummer!

    As you rest (and balk at doing nothing) you can revel in the fact that you are just a natural artist. Whether with photography or photo art, I just come away feeling inspired to get out there and try to create something that reaches your level.

    Love how you are using my textures, btw! Love your subtle touch.

    Thanks for the tip! I have used a spray bottle but not an eye dropper and have not thought about carrying them in my camera bag.

    So pleased you link you work with Photo Art Friday, Kim.

  13. I like all these images. I love the subtlety of your texture work.

  14. I'm so impressed by the details you captured on the second shot! it is amazing! I actually love all your shots today but this particular one is spectacular!

  15. Beautiful images Kim! You are so good at the water shots. Absolutely beautiful!

    P.S.- I hope you get feeling better soon. I hate sinus infections!

  16. Oh wow... Just gorgeous! Love the one you entered into FotoFriday! the rest are so beautiful!

  17. Kim, I read your blog every day as it comes into my e-mail but rarely seem to get over here to comment. THIS post required a comment! Just love each and every photo and what you've done with them! I've used a squirt bottle but I never thought about an eyedropper! Great tip! And those textures! Love them, especially the soft sunset painterly one. I went to her site and can't figure out which set that one is in. Do you know the name of the set? And finally, so glad you figured out what was making you feel lousy and are on the road to recovery.

  18. Fabulous shot. Love the pink flower.

    Check out mine here

  19. what a treat to see all of these images. each one is captivating and beautiful.

    i hope that you feel better soon.


  20. Such beautiful shots so simple I hope you are feeling better now....

  21. These are so very beautiful! Thanks for tip!

    Thanks for sharing with Foto Friday,

  22. these are each more amazing than the other and altogether make me just smile.

    sorry you've been feeling NOT... I hope that all is gone and you're back out and making BEauty to share!!

    thanks for that tip, too... you are one clever lady!!

  23. I love the photos you capture with water, beautiful work! Sorry to hear your under the weather:( Get well soon so you can continue your awesome work!

  24. Good to hear the medication is helping. Sinus infections are no fun at all.
    Love the waterdrop photos. The one on the feather is awesome.
    Speaking of awesome...those roses are fabulous.

  25. Kim- each image is a treat for the eyes. But if you settle into them they are a gift for the heart. Wonderful work.I love that rose!

  26. Gorgeous images Kim. Sorry you've been under the weather . . . sinus infections are nasty. Hope you're feeling better this week. Hugs xox

  27. Amazingly beautiful water images. Lovely texture work that further enhances them.


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