
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

So glad to be back this week for the hunt, I just couldn't manage
to pull it together last week, but I think I'm finally on the mend. Thank you for the well wishes. Now
if someone could only figure out how to get the ragweed pollen down,
I would really be in business!!

This weeks prompts are . . .

{ water drops or water flowing }
I know, some of you saw this one already this week, but I really liked this one and it saved
me from having to dig into my archives.

{ faithfullness }
Just a little reminder, that we can fly with a broken wing.

{ then and now }
Now and then (pretending it's reverse day), you set your alarm clock to get up and go watch the
sunrise, but you forget to turn it on and wake up at exactly the moment (today it was 7:20am) that you should be standing by the bay with your camera on a tripod, sipping coffee  . . . watching, but you're not.
So you go for a walk instead . . .and you are thankful there are no more encounters with poisonous snakes.

{ fingertips }
Yet another lizard I made friends with!

{ Autumn bucket list }

I chose theme park from the list . . . this is Pleasure Pier in Galveston. There used to be a hotel
here, until hurricane Ike destroyed it and they replaced it with amusement rides . . . over the ocean!

Have a great rest of the weekend!
Love, Kim


  1. Wow your set is amazing.
    Love the Fingertip shot with the Lizard (too cute).
    Also like the Bucket List shot at the Amusement Park and your Faithfulness shot of the broken butterfly wing. Stunning work.

  2. You always have such amazing critter shots. Love the little lizard on your fingertips. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I was fighting a sinus infection last week, too.

  3. Your photo's are wonderful, the lizard shot is fabulous.

  4. Wow, amazing! I don't think I could possibly pick a favourite as they're all fantastic

    Herding Cats

  5. Great set of photos but I especially like the last one.

  6. Glad you're feeling well again! Love the fair shot - I love the swings ride! Gorgeous shots, as always!

  7. These are marvelous Kim, I so love that first one of the waterdrop.

  8. Great set - liked your take on then and now - absolutely LOVE the droplet shot.

  9. Gorgeous series of photos! LOOOOve the first one! Awesome!

  10. I just love that water droplet, how the grain of the wood shines thru the liquid....totally amazing.

  11. All of these are amazing. I really love "water" that one is stunning!

  12. Oh good, you are on the happy to hear that. Love your pics this week..they were building that Pleasure Pier when I was there. I bet you will get some great shots of that place. Beautiful water droplet..the colors and light are perfect!!

  13. I love them all...that water droplet is stunning! And the butterfly wing is so symbolic of life...I love it. I'm glad you're on the mend, Kim - have a great week! :)

  14. Im in love with that lizard! Amazing set Kim

  15. As always well done, love your fingertip shot!

  16. Your shots are always amazing... but you kinda blew my mind this week. That itty bitty lizard... WOWOWOWOWOW!

  17. Kim,
    Neat finds for the Scavenger Hunt.

    I really like the first 3 shots. I wonder what happened with the butterfly wing.

    I like the bridge rail shadow.

  18. You aced the water drop shot. Nice.

    I also liked the amusement park photo.

  19. There is something magical about the raindrop shot, love it. Also love your lizard captures, they are so darn cute.

  20. Yes, I can see why you re-used that water drop image - it is rather extraordinary, with the amazing texture and gorgeous colors. And I love the silhouetted swings - capturing them in their exciting motion.

  21. Oh my goodness Kim, So many fabulous photos. I just LOVE the little guy on the finger tip. Very cool. But I have to say they are all wonderful.

    I hope you have a happy week.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I love and appreciate them all!