
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Scavenger Hunt Sunday, I have missed you....
October has been an especially busy month at my house, between football,
being sick, and a one parent household for much of the month.

But I have to warn you, I'm really stre---t---chi-----ing the prompts this week!
Last week, I was given a challenge and loaned a 300mm f2.8 D II Nikkor lens by a photographer
who photographs all of the sports at my kids high school. I met him last year, and this year we have
gotten to know each other standing on the sidelines at the varsity football games. He was going to be
out of town and wanted me to fill in for him.....I was a little nervous as I had never shot with a lens with
this kind of reach before (or price tag). On my crop sensor camera the 300mm (in 35 mm terms) is 450mm!
I literally had to stand in the end zone of the opposite side of the plays!
I have fallen in love with this lens.
Going back to my 70-300 4.5-5.6 is just never going to be the same.

So, here are my prompt interpretations:

{ patterns }
At half time, the band and color guard perform while walking in patterns on the field.

{ machine }
This one I took the day before at my son's freshman game, being a tackling machine.

{ signs or logos }
This is the sign you get from #28 after he sacks the quarterback!

{ rocks or stones }
No, no rocks or stones, just a fumbled football . . . however when you get the little recycled tire pellets from the astroturf in your shoes, they sure feel like rocks!

{ sparkle }
And what would a football game be without the lovely drill team in all their sparkles?

And that's my story and I'm stickin' to it . . .

Have a great weekend y'all!
Love, Kim


  1. You really did have fun, didn't you?
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. Welcome back!
    Well you did a bang up job getting all the prompts from the Football game.

    My favorites were Sign and Sparkle.

  3. Beautiful photos ! You must love american football ! It is so different from what I have used to see here in Europe. All your photos are great !

  4. Great pics Kim, that lens must have been really fun to work with. Love the sign shot.

    Hope you feel better. xoxox

  5. What great photos. I would love to have a lens like that. You did a great job.

  6. Fun shots - and I actually like it when the cues are stretched a little - more variety, but still on theme. Wow, that's quite a lens - and you used it well!

  7. Great set!! Love the sparkling drill team uniforms! And the sign - love it!

  8. Great interpretations of the prompts this week!

  9. to say I'm impressed would be an understatement. Fantastic shots and oh, how fortunate to get the opportunity to play with high end equipment. yea, the ole 70-300 is going to have an inferiority complex now for sure.

  10. I'm loving all your football photos this month! Your sparkle shot is just perfect for the prompt!

  11. I can tell how much you love photography AND that lens! Your photos make me feel like I am on the set of Friday Night Lights :). My favorite is the Signs photo. Great capture.

  12. Great set! Wow, what a lens. Makes me a little jealous! The shot of the girls with the sparkle is my favorite.

  13. What a fun collection, Kim. I really love that last shot!

  14. Love love love your sparkle picture.

  15. What a great Str--e--t--ch on all your shots!
    Sparkle is superb!

  16. Great set! Way to look out of the box love it!

  17. These are fantastic and I can tell you really love to capture sports!

  18. Oh, I do miss high school football games. "sign" made me laugh. And I love "sparkle" I was one of those sparkling girls on the drill team. As pretty as they are, they do itch like the dickens. :)

  19. What a treat to get to play with something new . . . you did great as always. Love the sign shot and the sparkly drill team. You have been missed on the hunt btw, always look forward to your entries.

  20. NOTHING says "Texas" like your sparkle shot!

  21. Oh my gosh Kim. I just love these shot. Looks like you had a blast with that Lens.

  22. Wonderful shots Kim I have never seen a football match / game it looks amazing and you have captured the excitement the noise and the dedication ....

  23. Great pictures. I love patterns and sparkle

    Herding Cats

  24. This post brings back lots of memories of my son playing football and my daughter on the drill team!! These are all just wonderful! Amazing capture of action!!

  25. Your pictures show a great game and a fun evening. Thanks

  26. visiting late... ;) great action shots! and the sparkling drill team shot is really great!! maybe its the cowgirl hats that I love?? lol! ;)


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