
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Something missed, something gained . . .

"In every walk with nature one receives
far more than he seeks."

- John Muir

This week, that couldn't be more true!

As I mentioned on Sunday, we had planned on going to watch the sunrise. . . but, although I set
the time on my alarm clock, I forgot to turn it on. Yep, I woke up and saw it was completely daylight
outside and looked at the clock . . . 7:20, the exact time the sun would be peering over the horizon.
Let's just say I wasn't a happy camper, although I did make it later in the week, here.  When that happens,
I wonder if there was a reason I wasn't supposed to be there. Well, at least that's what I tried to
tell myself, and since we were already up we just decided to head over that way and take one of the trails.

First stop, butterfly garden, of course! We may not get much in the way of fall around these parts
but our wildlife is around a lot longer. This Gulf Fritillary didn't seem the least bit worried about me and my lens. But I was a little disappointed though, not to find any monarch caterpillars on the milkweed.

{Photograph life - fall color}

I was definitely not seeking a grasshopper, especially not a giant 3-4" one. But there it was blending right in and I can safely say that out of everything I usually run into, snakes included, that grasshoppers are not my favorite. It does look like he escaped with his life, just minus his jumping leg . . . ever wonder where they get ideas for alien creature feature films, look no further!

And as I was walking away, I spied this leaf, pierced by a falling acorn top!

Then we hopped back into the car and went further down to hook up with another trail. And as we were crossing over a small bridge on the road (on foot) I spotted this gorgeous Tri-colored Heron. I don't see many of these along my travels, so this was a treat! Just look at his gorgeous colors!!

After a few minutes he flew down to the water looking for food.

And this yellow stuff, ragweed, it's what's making everyone miserable - and it's just everywhere you turn.

And these pretty little flowers/weeds (?) lined a part of the path . . . what is that they say . . .  a weed is a flower in the wrong place. I would say these looked to be in the right place.

This week over at Pixel Dust Photo Art, Bonnie, instead of a theme gave us a fabulous freebie texture called leafy landscape for our challenge this week. I knew right away what photo I would use with this, that I had taken just days before. And wow, I love the texture with this - it was just the right touch for this photo, and then I topped it off with her vintage vellum.  Thank you Bonnie! If you haven't participated in her weekly photo art challenge before, I encourage you to go now and hang a piece of your art in her link-up gallery. (opens at 7 tonight, you can follow the theme or enter any piece of art)

"All walking is discovery. On foot we take the time to see things whole."  - Hal Burland

So although Saturday morning I was seeking the sunrise, and despite my foul mood, and showing up anyway, I received far more than I bargained for. And with each discovery, on foot, I was able to see the bigger picture and by the end of our walk I had almost almost forgotten about the sunrise!
I'm pretty sure I learned a lesson here!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love Kim,

Sharing with Photo Art Friday, Finding Serendipity, This and That Thursday,
Fabulous Friday, Photograph Life, Little Things Thursdays


  1. That last one looks like a painting, gorgeous Kim

  2. It was definitely meant to be. Those heron shots are amazing. I too am a little creeped out by grasshoppers, funny that. Ragweed here in the US is rapeseed in the UK, nightmare for allergies!!! Love taking a walk with you.

  3. Luckily, the sun rises every day! That said - you have an amazing eye for capturing small bits and pieces that might normally be missed. Your photos are fabulous. The blur in your backgrounds really makes the foreground pop. I especially like the pierced leaf - what a great find!!

  4. Ah, SO much gained. I am always glad that I went out with camera in hand - I only regret the times when I didn't. Love the "leafy landscape" texture - it really adds to your image. Beautiful celebration of nature.

  5. These are absolutely gorgeous! I love your nature photography!

  6. All things happen for a reason...I'm very glad you ended up in this place where we get to see the results! Gorgeous images..."the only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgment". (one of my favorite quotes, by Wayne Dyer, I think)

    Your photo art shot is stunning...what beautiful effects!

  7. I'd say you got double lucky there...both a gorgeous sunrise and some amazing nature shots!
    Love your processing for Photo Art Friday!
    P.S. my fav weed quote! "A weed is but an unloved flower" ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  8. Oh all your pictures are so pretty. The picture of the grasshopper is so striking. I think I might follow the link you suggested. It looks like fun!

  9. You had a really sharp eye to see these little details! I love the acorn in the leaf. Little surprises like that just delight me!! The last one is a beautiful piece of art!

  10. So great shots you have and the photos with texture are gorgous.

  11. What a wonderful set of photo's and I love your commentary, it felt as though I was with you. What a treat for me this morning.

  12. Beautiful images, love the butterful and little roadside flowers. And your texture work on the last image is lovely. Beautifully done.

  13. Great photos! The texture really transforms the photo into art!

  14. Gorgeous I particularly like the grasshopper, what a great closeup...

  15. Simply exquisite! I was drawn to your photo on Foto Friday.

  16. I do believe thing happen for a reason. So glad you were able to get these shots. They are beautiful. I just love the grasshopper. I do hope you have a happy friend.


  17. So beautiful, and that Heron is stunning!

    Thanks for sharing with Foto Friday,

  18. Love your use of Bonnie's texture, Kim. Those acorn and Heron shots are something special!

  19. what an eye you have! Beautiful captures and the transformation of the ducks is lovely

  20. Beautiful post filled with wonderful photos.

    Your PAF piece is fabulous. The texture does work perfectly with it. It's so peaceful and serene looking.

    I don't mind Grasshoppers so much but I do agree they are rather "alien" looking. We had to disect a Giant Locust in highschool biology and that grossed me out a lot.

    Beautiful shots of that gorgeous Heron as well.

  21. "Just showing up" can be so rewarding!Beautiful photos and love the processing!

  22. great macro shots, and wonderful processing for Bonnie's theme this week!

  23. So funny that I open your post to read the quote by John Muir. I am currently working on a post for my personal blog, and it starts with the same exact quote! Your pics are great - I love seeing all of your "critter" pictures. :)

  24. love the creative use of Bonnie's beautiful texture ....

  25. These are so pretty! I love seeing all the beautiful sights you find.

  26. Beautiful nature photos! Nice use of the texture.

  27. Love the photography, Kim!!! Your piece with the texture looks like a master painting.

  28. These are beautiful! My favourite - the butterfly garden - love the way you have softened everything except part of the butterfly - lovely colour and textures. I also like the clarity of detail in the second - just look at the network of texture on that wing! And the ducks - a beautiful traditional sort of duck scene - so rich (Constable?) and enhanced with Bonnie's texture.

  29. KIM I always love all of your nature photos and all of the amazing things that you capture. I love you photo that you did with bonnies texture too, it is just perfect. have a great weekend, and know you will see a sunrise soon!

  30. Terrific post! I LOVE all of the shots .... that first shot is just amazing .... oh how the butterflies steal my heart! I see a few fluttering around every now and then but most of ours have left :(

  31. I am over the moon with your feast this week!!!

    So much to learn seeing through your vision.

  32. Your macro shots are fantastic Kim! Love visiting your blog!

  33. These are gorgeous! Love your photographic eye!

  34. Wonderful captures, Kim!! I think you were treated with enormous blessing finding these creatures!

  35. It all came good, these are amazing pictures :)


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