
Thursday, March 21, 2013

A self-portrait . . .

"Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be."

- Duane Michals

It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but as a photograph can tell a lot of truths, it can also tells us many lies, deceiving at the very least. We choose what to include and more importantly what to exclude. Being behind the camera we simply get to decide what it is we are trying to say and how we are trying to say it.

But what if you are both the photographer and the subject?

For some it seems to be like second nature, as casual as putting on your shoes.
For me it's anything but. It's uncomfortable, scary. I break into a sweat at just the thought of someone snapping my photo. But at least when I'm the one taking it I can be in control of the truths lies.

Today for Photo Art Friday our prompt is self-portraiture. And as one who already breaks a sweat from far too many hot flashes I'm glad I had this one in the archives. Well, that and I have had a really sick boy home all week which has made getting extra things done a wee bit more difficult.

I took this one a year ago January when the sun was flooding into my bathroom mirror, which is always good for telling lies about wrinkles and age spots. The pink highlights, those are real. Oh and I really do have two brown eyes. The rest of the photo was really boring, just the bathroom wall and a doorway. So I started with Bonnie's texture called Drips of rainbow in overlay, her Simply the Best texture in screen, and then added some fake bokeh. 

The water drop texture represents the hot flashes and tears that come from menopause. The writing which is French, represents the feeling I get sometimes when I look in the mirror. You know that foreign feeling of who the heck is this older looking person looking back at me kinda feeling.

So there you have it, a photo that is nothing like what it appears to be. But it is a little fun, I cannot lie, to partake in the art of deception when it comes to my age!

Hopefully, I will be back on my regular blogging track next week. I know I've missed a lot of your posts while I've been gone, but this is the first time in almost a week that I've been able to spend a minute at the computer. I do have some fun stuff to share with you though.....

Until then . . . 
Love, Kim


  1. This is really cool! Love it. I know what you mean. I will never be one who takes her own picture everyday. I'm way more comfortable behind the camera. I'm working on getting a little more comfortable in front of them camera. I've thought long and hard about why I get so uptight about being in pictures, and in part it is because I want to tell the story...but also if another person holding the camera has no idea how to use it, I feel the story the told is also a lie. I usually look way worse in the hands of the drive by shutter pusher. If I see my MIL coming with a camera, I run! Worse candids ever, and my self esteem is shot for days. :)

  2. This is fantastic, Kim!

  3. You have done this well.

  4. Beautiful work - love the processing! And I completely understand the "breaking out in a sweat" reaction to a personal portrait.

  5. As usual, Kim, your perspective is charming! Love what you did here and all that it represents!

  6. That is truly beautiful. I can totally relate to you about looking in the mirror, but I'm glad we can count some of that bad stuff as "lies"!

    Love your talent...

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  7. Really beautiful Kim, and your treatment of the photo is masterful. Had to laugh at you running when your MIL comes at you with the camera. I rarely allow myself to be caught by the camera and so when I do occasionally see myself in a photo I'm usually shocked at how old I look.

  8. A-maz-ing, Kim! The light, the pose, the edit, the textures ... all combine to make a self-portrait that I'm sure will be kept as a treasure in your family.

  9. Oh - wanted to say that I hope your son is better soon. Take care of you too!

  10. You beautiful beautiful Kim! LOVE the pink streaks and I hope to goodness we can meet face to face...That would make me extremely happy. Hope your guy gets better quick like...xo

  11. What an awesome self portrait! Wow! I just do love it! Good work on adding the extra have done good! And I hope your son feels better soon!

  12. Love this Kim and I also hate portraits of myself I know I should look for the beauty within etc but I can't fool myself !
    Your processing is spot on, hope your son gets better soon...

  13. Hope your son is well soon Kim. I love this, and especially love your thoughts surrounding pictures of ourselves, you are not alone....and you are lovely.

  14. I love this photo and for me too, the mirror is no longer my best friend and I don´t like to make selfportraits.
    I thoink it`s good that Bonnie
    shows us that we can make them in many ways.
    Have a relaxing weekend.

  15. I have to say that I really love self-portrait work, it seems to work for me but I know many people, very good photographers actually, who really struggle with it. My trigger on my camera is currently broken and so I am relying on the timer (which makes things tricky) or mirrors, which are a particular love of mine.

    I think your portrait is lovely, the lighting of your face is stunning


  16. Great editing Kim! Hope all is well with you soon!

  17. This is so, so beautifully done, Kim! You'll have to excuse me though, for finding it hard to see the connection between menopause and the late teens - early twenties model in that shot... ;)
    I love the subtlety of the deceptions - and truths - of this image!

  18. Beautiful! You are so awesome and so profound!

  19. I love your selfie... and what a thoughtful, well-written post. I think you summed up self-portraits pretty well.

  20. Kim I love all the textures you added to your photo-very cool!

  21. Such a beautiful post...and I adore your pink highlights. You should do it again, and I might, too! :)

  22. I don't like taking self portraits either. I like the texture you chose to accompany yours. Valerie

  23. Kim ... this is so awesome, totally! And I hope your son is getting better, poor guy. (Poor mom!)

  24. your posts are always so intriguing to me, Kim. you seem to go straight to the heart of things and I love that. this one is no exception, however I really enJOYed getting to see "YOU" in a more real way. it is funny how I have a "picture in my head" of those people I call friend online, and sometimes I am so far off from what they really "look like" it astonishes me!!!
    and though you DO have a photo on your page, this one totally turns my "picture in my head" on its nose!!
    I love the quote and your ideas about truth and lies. I noticed in my own self-portrait that I had been caught in a moment I'd never have recalled were it NOT for there BEing a photo amongst the wedding photographer's photos.
    when I saw it I could remember it like it was Right Now, and working with it took me on a ride for sure.
    BEautimous to see you and read you.

  25. This is a soft nearly faded out look that make me want to look just at your eye --are they green - beautiful!! Very well done..

  26. Kim, I love's beautiful! And I love your explanation of the process and your symbolic thinking behind it. I had a rough time with this prompt and became so frustrated I gave up and felt kind of sad about it...self-portraits are incredibly hard for me.

    Thank you for sharing - next time I'll try and push through my fear and post something. You inspire! Have a wonderful weekend~~

  27. Gorgeous Kim, I'd recognise those pink highlights anywhere. :0)

    Hope your son is feeling better.

  28. WOW.. What an amazing photo. You are so pretty. Even behind all those droplets of water. Great post once again. I have been enjoying your photos on IG...


  29. You are SPARKLING! Bravo on all the wonderful layers you used to make YOU center of attention....along with your beautiful eyes!

  30. Sadly I know exactly what you mean about that foreign feeling! I love this image!! It's so creative. You're eyes are gorgeous by the way :)

  31. First this is quite lovely. The raindrop texture is delightful as our your "pink highlights." I can so relate to how you feel about having your photo taken. Lately I've been having "issues" over my body image, (weight, hair thinning & graying) so taking a selfie was no easy for me either. I applaud you for what you wrote and for how wonderfully you edited your selfie. I liked it alot.

  32. I think this is great Kim! Love what you said about it too! LOL... especially the French part... I know just what you mean, and can promise you it will get alot worse than it is, so keep up on the photoshop! What a great tool

  33. Having a sick child is definitely not much fun. I hope he is on the mend!
    I can relate to this post on every single point made. So refreshing to know that we aren't alone.
    Thanks for such a great post, Kim.

  34. Kim you look beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  35. From one menopause woman to another...YOU JUST ROCK my friend!! Hot flashes and all.

  36. kim-love this... i've also been struggling w menopause. and that feeling of "when the heck did that happen" when i look in the mirror... great photo, great post.

    thanks for sharing at 1440

  37. You know, this is just downright gorgeous. It's all in your eyes my friend. Beautiful :)


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