
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Flower power . . .

"Flowers really do intoxicate me."
-Vita Sackville-West

Yep, I guess you could call me drunk on their fragrance.
Smitten, overjoyed, and captivated by their beauty.
I don't just see them with my eyes as
they speak volumes to my heart even in complete silence.

I think flowers and people have a lot in common, don't ya think?
Both come in different colors, shapes and sizes and each have their own personalities.
Some are more bold while others tend to be softer, like a whisper. 
There are ones that are playful and mysterious, whiles others may be a little more elegant or exotic.
But whether a flower or a person, each has its own beauty and in both that beauty lies behind the layers.

We don't judge a flower before it's had a chance to open.
Well, I'm pretty sure we don't really judge them at all . . . and we shouldn't do that with people either.

Flowers seem to be the only thing I'm able to click with my camera lately, as my son is still home and still really sick. And even though I adore tulips, I'm hoping my grocery store gets something a bit more exciting in. I've been checking and waiting with baited breath for some Ranunculus to come in but with no luck so far!! I guess I could just do a study of Tulips in every color, lol!

Larkspur - {Kim Klassen Isobel and Kirstin}

 {Nancy Claeys Organic Paper}

{Kim Klassen Karla and Kirstin and Love that Shot Calais}

I hope you are having a wonderful day, and if you are one of the lucky ones (NOT) that just got more snow, I hope it melts really soon. Our temps have fallen from the mid seventies to the low fifties and it's so windy I can't even take my flowers outside to the porch to photograph. In fact I brought my caterpillars inside too!
Yes, I have some Monarch babies, 2 chrysalis and one caterpillar getting fatter by the day.

Until next time,
Love, Kim


  1. yes flowers, at any stage my camera wants to capture them. your images are so lovely.

  2. AHH, sweet tulips, love them in every color, shape & size. Yours are gorgeous even if you couldn't take them outside.

  3. Your photos have such a soft loveliness to them. My favorite is the 2nd image - so beautiful! That flower is striking.

    We got some snow last night and are pretty cold today. I can't wait til spring. Winter just keeps hanging on!

  4. Such lovely images...I love your comparing of flowers to people. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, "The only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgment." (by Wayne Dyer, I think)

    I'm so sorry your son isn't feeling well yet - I hope he is doing better very soon. And I'm glad your sweet caterpillars are safe and cozy inside till the wind passes. Thanks for sharing, Kim!

  5. You sure know how to take beautiful photos of flowers - and your editing is admirable too - love it all!

  6. I'm boycotting grocery store flowers until next winter! I want to see my daffs and tulips!

    These are amazing macros Kim -- the color is intoxicating to me. xo

  7. Gorgeous!!! So stunning!!! The snow is melting but it is too darn cold to do anything in the garden. I hope your son gets well soon! Poor kiddo. Can't wait to see your caterpillars!

  8. I'm boycotting grocery store flowers until next winter! I want to see my daffs and tulips!

    These are amazing macros Kim -- the color is intoxicating to me. xo

  9. How would we survive without flowers really beautiful Kim...

  10. i hope your son gets to feeling better soon. and whether they are store-bought or outside, i always love your flower photos.

  11. These are all beautiful, Kim! You've got some really beautiful colors here.

    Hope your son feels a lot better soon.

  12. Love the larkspur - beautiful!

  13. Catching up with you, Kim. Your flowers are beautiful and the good thing about tulips is they're beautiful at any stage and each stage is so unique. Love all the processing but I'm really intrigued by the last one. I need to try something new!

  14. So beautiful kim. Love the larkspur gorgeous

  15. Lovely put and these flowers are gorgeous!

  16. When you have the ability to do the layers on your photos, the flowers are enhanced wonderfully.
    Tulips and any other spring blooms are always a pleasure for me to photograph.

  17. Monarch babies! How exciting! I hope you will share... your images are breathtaking, Kim! Nicely done.

  18. These are gorgeous flowers and perfectly edited. I too am eager to find some Ranunculus - even went so far as to carry around a few artificial ones at Michaels craft store before returning them to the bin to hope for the real thing.

  19. Each one of these photos is gorgeous in its own right. It's as if you captured the very essence of the flower with your creative edits.

  20. Amazingly gorgeous! You remain my floral texture inspiration.

  21. The flowers are wonderful. Nicely done.


  22. These are all lovely! My favorite is the second photo with the deep pink tones.

  23. Love, love, love your flower macros. Can't get enough.

  24. You really do a NICE job of applying textures. Wish I had the patience for it. :)

  25. I've been waiting for our grocery store to get bunches of daffs in but only tulips and hyacynths which I can't stand the smell of. Sorry to hear your son is so poorly, hoping he turns a corner soon.

  26. Such a beautiful group of photos! I'm anxiously awaiting ranunculus too! They're so pretty.

  27. So many beautiful flowers. Your editing is amazing. I have been enjoying seeing all your caterpillars on IG.


  28. Can't pick a favorite, Kim. Such beautiful colors, all!

  29. You are so deep and have such an eye for flowers!

  30. Beautiful images!!

    I hope your son gets well soon!!

  31. Lovely shots here Kim! hope to see something from you here soon as you are making me very nervous knowing that you son is in the hospital! Let us know that everything is ok! Sending prayers and good vibes

  32. Gorgeous photos and amazing processing, Kim - I love these!
    Have a wonderful Easter weekend!


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