
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Got Milk?

"Think what a better world it would be if we all,
the whole world,
had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon
and then lay down on our blankets for a nap."

- Robert Fulghum

YES, I think this is a great experiment . . . who's in?


let's start today, okay?

But can we move it to noon, 'cause at 3 0'clock I have to be somewhere and  somehow
I don't think the doctor will appreciate me eating cookies on a blanket in his office! ;)

"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose" - Woody Allen

Wishing you a weekend with lots of cookies and milk . . . and of course a couple of naps to go with it!!

Love, Kim


  1. Oh Kim, I so LOVE this post...I am always saying I want a cookie and a nap...okay is this a sign of old age?

  2. Sounds like a plan - I'll see if my boss is good with this!!?!

  3. I think it would be awesome to revive the childhood ritual of after school cookies and milk in adulthood! Inspiring me to bake, Kim!

  4. Photo is sooo adorable! No time for a nap for this girl but I will have cookies and milk.

  5. i love those cows - too cute!! are they yours? you enjoy those cuties!!! ( :

  6. Lovely idea, I think I'll do it at 12 too:)

  7. Those were the days, I'm in. I remember drinking pink milkshake too and laughing so hard it came out of my nose! Good luck at the docs. xoxo

  8. Oh Kim, I agree 100%. Naps are such a luxury...I hope you're able to fit one in today (along with the yummy cookies and milk)! Very sweet photo. :)

  9. Noon it is.. I have some oreos with my name all over them. And you know they go perfect with milk.

    Big Hugs my friend.

  10. Oh yes and afternoon nap, sign me up for that please *goes of laughing at the chances of that happening


  11. I'm in! I'm in! I'm in! I ready at 12 and 3 just let me know. :) Very happy post!

  12. Yes! I am definitely game. Any time of day :)

    Hope all is well with you and that your son feeling better.

    Hugs sweet friend :)

    Have a great weekend!


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