
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A little grey is okay . . .

"When I was a little girl, everything in the world fell into either of these two categories: wrong or right.
Black or white. Now that I am an adult, I have put childish things aside and now I know that some 
things fall into wrong and some things fall into right. Some things are categorized as black and some 
things are categorized as white. But most things in the world aren't either! Most things in the world 
aren't black, aren't white, aren't wrong, aren't' right, but most of everything is just different. And now
I know that there's nothing wrong with different, and that we can let things be different, we don't have 
to try and make them black and white, we can just let them be grey. And when I was a child, I thought 
that God was the God who only saw black and white. Now that I am no longer a child, I can see, that
God is the God who can see the black and white and the grey, too, and He dances on grey!
Grey is okay."

- C. Joybell C.

{KK ugglovebandw, KK word}

I have read that artistry in photography requires the ability to achieve a state of unconstricted awareness, free of conventional ways of seeing and thinking.

And well, I think that is true in life too.

We lose the art of living our own life when we are motivated to please others by conforming to their way of thinking only to be in the group, to win approval, or to feel accepted.

It's funny, everyone wants to be different, they just don't want to "like" different.

People want to stand out from the crowd, but don't want to give permission to anyone else to do the same. 

They like the tidiness of black and white. But black and white is about control and if we are always trying to be "in control" don't we miss out on all the beautiful loose ends that end up being life, that just passes all of us by simply because we forgot how to read between black and white.

Because between black and white is grey, shades of grey. And I'm not talking about a book, but about shades of beautiful people that we miss because we have only learned to see contrast, black or white, right and wrong.

{KK Not too shabby}

Between black and white, between yielding and rigid, is compromise. Both in life and photography. Between black and white there are no labels. Frederick Franck said, " By these labels we recognize everything but no longer see anything." Between black and white everything and everyone is important and has value, there is no judgment, no categories.

Seeing only black or white does not give way to flexibility, nor does it give one the ability to deviate from their own so called rules of life. In photography it means always leaning into the "rules of composition", just to miss the essence of what we are photographing in the first place.

Grey is okay. In fact, grey is really good. And a black and white photograph? Its made up of shades of grey.

Life, is made up of shades of grey too. 

I don't believe there is much adventure to be found in black and white, you are either a leader or a follower, never both.

Always teetering on the edge of right and wrong, black and white keeps our imagination from our camera and allows us to miss the true beauty of people too.

I've learned that dancing to the beat of my own drum, one that is a shade of grey (definitely with a hint of pink), is a much happier place to be. Like me for who I am, or leave me for someone I am not.

Yes, being a shade of grey means we are different, and different is what makes life interesting. God gave us each a unique shade so that we would be, could be different.

Yes, between black and white are shades of grey and if we read carefully between the lines, those shades of grey, we will also find a hint of color.

God not only dances on grey, but He celebrates it!

Love, Kim


  1. Kim, a beautiful post and wonderful message. You have captured everything I believe in and put it into words. Thank you for sharing. Blessed be.

  2. You are so thoughtful and so so so deep! Love it!

  3. Beautiful words and photos! :-)

  4. Such a lovely post! And I definitely agree :) I really like your last photo - the purple in the center of the flower just pops!

    Visiting from Tuesday Muse :)

  5. Very thought provoking indeed! I am a black and white girl - black and white, right and wrong - but I'm also a color filled girl and struggle to break down all that wonderful color into shades of gray! I have always thought how wonderful it would be to be able to see the way birds can! To be able to see more of the colors of the spectrum that are hidden from our human eyes!

  6. Quite the post Kim, you have us all thinking.

    I love that first image so much, just the right amount of color so pretty.

  7. Kim, both of those images are wonderful. I especially love the first one! Great shots and fabulous edits.

  8. A beautiful post with so much truth. Thank you for always having the right words. ; )

    One of the nicest things my sister-in-law said to me was that I helped her relationship with her brother, my husband, by helping him see shades of gray and not just black and white. I'm not sure it was me. It might've just been his own personal growth. All I know is that after she said that I focused more on avoiding judgments myself and just enjoying all the gray... or really all the color.

  9. Great wisdom my friend...I have always preferred shades of grey in life...gotta have some balance in your life without the blacks and whites...LOVE your photos!!

  10. Preciosos trabajos, me encanta la flor!!!
    Un abrazo y feliz semana.

  11. wonderful words of wisdom and one outstanding image!

  12. Just the right amount of colour. Beautiful. Valerie

  13. Your words are very inspirational today, Kim. Thank You for your honest thoughts.

  14. So many of your photos are do you decide which ones to print and hang friend?

  15. Very nice thoughts on the subject of black, white and gray Kim. Lovely edits as well. xo

  16. These are lovely. Funny at 40, I still struggle with black, white, and grey and when which applies. Such a challenge at times. I appreciate your thoughts!

  17. Love this, Kim! And your B & W & Grey photos are fantastic.

  18. I am definitely a grey kind of lady I find having the confidence to say that out loud challenging! hope 'things' are ok with you today?

  19. And some hot pink on that gray is really okay! Love that image, Kim....actually, I love both the images in your post today.

  20. Beautiful images, Kim. And powerful words. Thank your for sharing your thoughts. They always inspire. I pray the weight is lifting...

  21. Great post,kim --and so true. Wonderful images to go it!

  22. Your flower image is stunning. I love the pink with the black and white. For some reason I though of a Zebra seeing it. LOVE

  23. What a thoughtful post. And beautiful photography! I was just trying to figure out today why gray, which isn't a colorful "color," is one of my favorites. Thank you for putting in words what we need to think about!

  24. Deep thinking text and the picture is gorgeous and very interesting.

  25. What a beautiful post...your words are always as beautiful as your photos. I agree with all you said! Grey is all around us.

  26. Good morning, your posts are always so inspirational-and always so lovely-thank you Kathy

  27. I can't tell you how beautiful these photos are and how much your words made me think.

  28. What a wonderful post. I just love the way you think. And I also love the way you put your thoughts into words. And your photos are gorgeous my friend.


  29. I just love this post, thanks for reminding me to dance amongst the grey.

  30. An amazingly creative black and white floral conversion - with that hot pink center popping right out! Beautiful!

  31. Absolutely beautiful. I really love the foutain with the water pouring from the jug. Magnificent rendering.


  32. such beautiful, beautiful words, kim.


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