
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pop it . . .

"[Orange] is one of God's favorite colors --
He stuck it right there between red and yellow as the second color of the rainbow.
He decorates entire forests with shades of orange every Autumn.
It shows up in sunrises at the start of the day,
sunsets at the end of the day,
and in the glow of the moon at the right time of night."

- Reggie Joiner

Today's texture theme is "pop" to be interpreted in which ever way floats our boat. . . 
I chose to use a "pop" of orange, one of my Monarch's that eclosed while we were gone
on Sunday and must not have had enough room to spread her wings completely out, and they dried
slightly curled. She was having a great deal of difficulty flying properly.

I used a very slow shutter speed here to show the motion of her trying to flap her wings.

{Kim Klassen All that, look up, and weathered}

{Kim Klassen Phoebe}

How excited was I when my dear bloggy friend Deanna told me that she saw I had won Kim Klassen's giveaway . . . the cloth and paper texture collection.

It's awesome . . . thank you again Kim, for your generosity!

And to Deanna, seriously if she had not told me I may have missed it....

And . . . oh my . . . 

Speaking of missing something...deep even deeper sigh . . . 

I got a summons for jury duty, like a month ago, when Sam first got sick.

I put the envelope on the counter, and forgot about it! I forgot about it!!

I called, practically in tears...oh yes tears, and tried to calmly tell the woman why I missed it.

All the while hoping she hadn't sent the police to come arrest me, seriously . . . 

She said I hadn't missed it, she said today IS the 6th . . . even bigger panic . . . it was in 30 minutes. daughter happened to have a very late arrival day...and I had to drive her to school.

She took pity on me and rescheduled me for July . . . 

Did you hear that? That POP sound . . . with all the stress, I think I finally popped a gasket in my brain...

And the beat goes on,

Today, by the time you're reading this, I have been up since o'dark thirty to drive the boy and I back to the Children's hospital for more appointments and some new testing . . . .in matters of the heart, literally.

There is a potential new problem and all I can say is . . . . serenity now!!

As much as I have tried not to let this all get to me, it's gotten to me.

But on the plus side of things I have 14 chrysalis's and counting hanging in my dining room . . . 
and that is exciting stuff people! 

Have a great day, if I don't see you on Thursday I'll see you next week.
I need to find the rest of my marbles and re-attached that darn gasket, haha!

Love, Kim


  1. Gorgeous Kim. So sorry things have been so stressful for you! I have been thinking of you often these days!

  2. These are gorgeous, but oh dear, the stress levels there must be astronomical! I can only imagine your panic with the jury duty. So glad that they have had mercy on you.

    But focusing on the have life all around you, you won a contest, and we love ya!

  3. Such a pretty little monarch. Thinking of you and your boy today. Glad you escaped jury duty for a while; it always seems to come at the worst time. So ... hang in there, just like your little monarch.

  4. Beautifully photographed! You are the butterfly whisperer!
    Prayers for you and your son. I'll be waiting for your updates.

  5. Oh sweet you...breathe deeply, your path will open. Keep us updated on Sam. Much love and hugs!!

  6. Kim...I'll admit that I felt so terrible for you and your son that I started skim-reading your posts. I kept asking how things could just continue to be so difficult! But I also have been thinking about your faith and how it must sustain you now. My prayers for your family.

  7. I hope everything sort itself out soon - the pics are beautiful!

  8. Beautiful shots, I have found butterflies really tricky subjects to far


  9. Kim,
    Your monarch is a beauty -- she is certainly hanging in there -- just like you. Will be thinking about you. Slow down and give yourself a hug!

  10. Beautiful photos! So glad your stressful jury duty situation worked out!

  11. Hermosas fotografías! Y me encantó la frase sobre el color naranja.
    Un abrazo.

  12. You poor dear! I can feel the anxiety level in your post -- glad it worked out for the better. :)

  13. Kim, I can't believe all you're dealing with and you still have such a wonderful sense of humor about it all! My heart goes out to you and I truly hope the stress level decreases soon. The butterfly photos are so always! Sending continuous prayers your way...xo

  14. Beautiful photos, as usual.

    So sorry that things have been so stressful for you.

    Hope all works out soon. You have lots of prayers going up.

    Take care of yourself. Your family needs you.

    God bless....

  15. some people can be nice so it was great that you got a nice lady on the phone and she rescheduled you for jury duty. I've never done jury duty... not sure I would seek it out but it might find me.

  16. I'm sorry they are STILL doing tests. I haven't been on Instagram for days so I hadn't kept up. But I've signed up for email now (thought I already had...) Your photos are gorgeous. It's nice to have distraction/escape as a bright spot.

  17. Oh Kim...I can only imagine the stress you are's your baby. Thank you for keeping us posted so we can keep you and your family close to our hearts. and YEAH...for the win!!! that is amazing....i'm here for you...xo

  18. Kim, when all of this gets figured out and your son starts healing, you will be entitled to the most exuberant exhale in the world. You have been steadily going through so much and holding up for so, so long - I just know that one evening with an ill child is more than enough to push a parent to the brink, I'm amazed you have your wits about you to even post. I am glad that the clerk was understanding about the jury duty - and even more happy that you have so many chrysalis happening. Oh, and YIPPEE on the win.

    My constant and heartfelt prayers.

  19. These pictures are stunning...I'm so looking forward to seeing the first Monarch here.Congrats on your win too. Thankful that the jury people had a heart for your problem. Now to get that boy of yours better too. Prayers for you and your family, Kim.

  20. Awesome, just like you. Warms hugs being sent your way. Remember, breathe. Take care

  21. beautiful photos with great textures! blessings.

    Allie @ Framed by God

  22. Oh, Kim, it seems as if your wings are a bit curled this week, too. [with God] there's always a way through. Praying for you.

  23. love your sweet butterfly shots...hope he or she gets where they're going. sending lots of love and prayers for your family. xoxo

  24. Thinking of you Kim ... Hope you get some answers and use your photography as a release good thoughts coming your way....

  25. Beautiful... great job on these very creative.

  26. Hoping peace and being able to have less stress in your life.

    Love the butters.

  27. Sorry to hear about your boy, Kim!
    and about all the stress!
    Hope everything will calm down, soon!

  28. Poor little thing....both the monarch and your little boy. Hope both are doing better now. Your motion shot gives a very interesting effect. Love it!
    Visiting from Tuesday Muse.

  29. Beautiful and Peaceful looking.
    My heart goes out to you with all you have on your mind right now. Deep breaths and may you find the peace you need. Hugs & Prayers.

  30. Beautiful shots. Very nice.


  31. Great shots. I just love butterflies and what a great way to capture them.

  32. I wish I could just come over and give you a big hug. My prayers go out to you and your son. I am loving the shot of you butterfly. I never think about slowing down my shutter speed till I see the cool shot you do. Looks awesome my friend.

  33. Oh Kim I am so sorry that you and Sam are having such a difficult time! i hope that your appointment went well, and that things will start to improve. Thinking of you and sending up prayers daily! Hugs and may you be surrounded with a peace that passes understanding during this time! Your butterfly shot is just lovely!

  34. sending lots of hugs and love to you from the ozarks Kathy

  35. Gorgeous textures as always!!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your son. It's never good when our children are suffering... worse when it's something we have no control over, can't fix, can't control! I understand more than you know (as I said on IG).
    You are strong, Kim, and a woman of great faith. I know you will get through this, as will your son. It's not easy to get news like that, not for you or your son.

    From another Mum who knows what it's like to receive similar news that can affect "normal" everyday life.
    You are in my thoughts & prayers.


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