
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

awake in silence . . .

"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light,
and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.
Our life is a long and arduous quest after truth."

- Mahatma Gandhi

{kk 2710}

"Silent Contemplation"

It doesn't need to be written
its song is unspoken

but it can be heard
in the keen observing

and felt
in deep contemplation

held in space
a moment at a time

it is a symphony
that lifts the veil between us and the truth

so that we can see
the world beneath the surface

without labels
or judgement

that we may be
awakened to life

We went to Victoria, TX for a day trip during spring break. It was anything but quiet, as it was lunch time in this Italian, family owned and operated, 120 year old cafe. We went because my daughter had located, in her genealogy research, the headstone of my great, great grandfather in a church cemetery. After his wife died, he accompanied his daughter and family to Texas where he lived his last 10 or so years before he died. It was just so surreal to stand there, gazing downward at the name of a virtual stranger to whom I was related. A tangible piece of my history.

And as my girl reminded me . . . since they most likely lived outside the city limits of Victoria, it would have been a treat for them to go into town, to eat at a restaurant no less. As we sat eating our lunch, I tried to take in all that was around me, wondering what it would have been like back "in the day" when they would have lived there. My camera sat on the edge of the small table, and I waited.

And then in that room full of people, among the chatter . . . I heard the silence. The image of the table may not be a glamorous shot, but in my quest for openness and intention it fully reflects the quiet of being completely present and receptive in matters of the heart. It became more than just a souvenir to take home with me, I was transported.

I feel awake in silence...what about you?

Love, Kim xo

sharing with Texture Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday


  1. Kim I love this and your words are perfect. Plummer is probably a common surname but my husband Mark has cousins called Plummer and they live in the North of England in Northumbria.

  2. Beautiful post!!

  3. i love the silence and it becomes more and more difficult to find in this world. I am often at the beach in the early morning hours where the only sound is the waves coming up on the shore.

  4. The graves of past ancestors are indeed odd places to visit. There is some connection but no knowledge of that person


  5. Reminds me of peaceful times of yesteryear.

  6. Enjoyed reading this post ...
    beautiful words !
    Nice week,

  7. Deep and impressionable moments can strike at the most random of times. This sounds like a great outing with your daughter and stroke of fortune to come across the tombstone of one of your ancestors.

  8. Love the genealogy. You have such a way with words (-:

  9. Such a great take on Quiet Kim, love that first shot with the beautiful light. Very peaceful. Neat that you found the grave marker, I love this kind of thing.

  10. I love moments like these when time stands still. How neat your daughter was able to find this headstone of your ancestor!

  11. So beautifully written Kim, and the empty table says "quiet" - so very moody. Ancestor search is always exciting. Glad it was a rewarding time for the family.

  12. Kim, this is a wonderful post! Its a blessing to find that inner silence even amongst the chatter of life? I love to be taken back in times of yesteryears, envisioning yourself in that time and place! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week!

  13. oh my... such a beautiful image and words....

    Oh how I love silence..... your photo is such a perfect representation.....

    thank you for this today...... sending love and prayers....


  14. So well written! Who would know from the picture that it was a noisy restaurant. Love how you found quiet and beauty there...the light across the table is wonderful! How exciting that you were able to trace and find this ancestor!

  15. I love the shot of the table! It not only says 'quiet' to me but reminds me of restaurants from my childhood, the red and white checked cloth. We went to a lot of Italian restaurants as my dad was Italian. And so that photo connects me to your feeling of awe at finding the headstone of an unknown forbear. We only find these things in quietness, for we must listen.

  16. As always Kim, your words and photos speak to me. It would seem sometimes that we are operating on the same wave length. Happy Tuesday to you...xoxo

  17. Beautifully expressed. I do feel the same way -- and I really appreciate the richness of the simple image.

  18. Yes, me too! Loved reading this and I adore your image of the table with its red and white gingham tablecloth. Such a lovely, timeless quality to it.

  19. Your photo of the simple little table in the diner is my favorite of all today. The table reminds me of the hundreds of times I've reached across a table to hold hands, shared a prayer or conversation, or enjoyed a meal.

  20. Beautiful words. I love the photo of the table. Makes you wonder who has sat there before, what they talked about, etc. Lovely post Kim.

  21. You and I chose the same Gandhi quote! However you are such a gifted writer on your own...and a wonderful philosopher, as well. Oh....those photos you take??? They are anything but average! :-)

  22. I LOVE silence. That shot is just too perfect for silence. I think much better. In fact noise makes me crazy. I must be getting old. LOL

  23. The kitchen table is a perfect quiet spot to enjoy the morning cup of coffee just enjoying the peace and quiet.

  24. I love the shot, it captures quiet so well. Great story and reflective thoughts. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  25. Lovely post. Your first image is so captivating and i love the contrast in lighting - beautiful!

  26. Wondrous ode to stillness - both internal and external.

  27. Oh how I wish I could express my feelings in to words like you do. This is beautiful. A wonderful post my friend.



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