
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The good, the random . . . and a side of scary

Its been a busy week so far, what about you?
After the boy and I spent the day at the hospital for his infusion we got back
with just enough time for me to make a run to the nursery. I find on those days it's
always a good idea if I can go clear my head afterwards with the aid of my camera.

But, I got to talking to a teacher buying milkweed for herself and nearly 10 other
teachers. And then I ended up finding some black swallowtail caterpillar eggs on some fennel,
which I talked her into taking with her as well. Yeah!

So, I took my camera and decided to walk the birding trail real quick as the sun was going
to set soon. Note to self, don't go at dusk!

1. It was just going to be a short walk, down one side, over "the bridge" and back up the other side.
Of course I had to stop and take pictures of the bridge, and of course every person who went by
turned in the direction of the bridge to see what exactly I was photographing, even glancing several
times in case they missed something. Always makes me chuckle to myself.

 And while on the "other" side, I had to stop and get some pictures of the reflections in the water.

And on the other side of the tree I heard some splish splashing and at the same time I can hear rustling in the bushes on the path next to me. Squirrel, birds, maybe even the deer . . . 

2. And as I preceded to walk again I hear a very loud snorty grunt kind of sound coming from the rustling in the bushes . . . not the kind that comes from a squirrel or a deer, but the kind that comes from a very large 
wild hog. The ones that will chase you with razor sharp tusks and lightening speed. I'm not afraid of much, but friends, you have never seen me walk so fast. Yes, note to self, no more walks on the birding trail at dusk!

Of course I would have missed this had I not had to turn and go back the other way.

3. This is very random, but it's a pet peeve of mine when I see people throw their cigarette butts out of the car window. I've seen a lot of that this week....THEY ARE NOT BIODEGRADABLE. They wash down the sewers, make their way into streams and rivers and even into bird nests....they contain toxins.

4. It has officially been a week, there are now over 100 monarch eggs, and because the weather has been cooler they are taking a little longer to hatch, but it should be really soon! 

5. I had a Facebook friend post the best thing to my timeline yesterday, something related to #4. Since it's a cartoon and copyrighted I didn't feel right posting the actual picture here, so I'm sending you HERE to the picture on Facebook. I'm still laughing.... :)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
Love, Kim


  1. I hope things are going well with The Boy and thank you for including us on the visual perks of an evening walk. The cartoon is funny - good one.

  2. Great way to de-stress. Gorgeous images of your walk. Love the bridge edit. xo

  3. Senseless littering bothers me too :(.

    My toddler preferred your picture with the ducks! I had to demonstrate the sounds they make, hehe.

  4. The sunset reflecting on the water, what a peaceful scene! You have such a connection with nature!

  5. love your random post and photos. Sorry about the scare with the wild hog. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

  6. A wild hog? That's scary!! The cartoon made me laugh...I can't wait to see more photos of your monarchs as they progress!

  7. I sure can relate as I see javelinas when I am out walking my little dog early in the morning and boy they can really scare an old lady with a little dog. Love the bridge so much, the ICM is perfect. Can't wait to see the butters.

  8. I can't wait for it to warm up around here to go searching for eggs! If there are any left this year as well!! So excited to see where yours go! Your photos, as always, are stunning

  9. This is full of goodness. I'm laughing at the people wondering what in the world you are capturing. It's funny to watch other peoples perception of what makes a good photo when they can't see through your view finder. My pet peeve is when I'm photographing and people are urging me to capture something that I have no interest in capturing. Photographs are so personal and they really must come from within.

  10. I love your pictures...I totally relate to your pet peeve, and we grow a butterfly supporting garden :) Each year we try to expand it by adding new host and support plants. We have three types of butterflies not thriving in my little backyard paradise :)

  11. Lovely series of beautiful photos for 'Little' ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  12. You always remind me to stop and take notice. Thank you for that. Enjoy the day. Erin

  13. Man, I really need to get out of my comfort zone and go on some of these trails…but not at dusk lol! Had I heard that sound, I believe my heart would have stopped! Great photos Kim, and I hope your boy continues to get stronger every day!

  14. #3 is a huge pet peeve of mine too! I usually give the stink eye as I pass by. Yesterday, one side of I-12 caught fire and I am certain it was because of that!

  15. I can see where wandering with the camera is a good de-stressor. The bridge photo is fabulous! Thankfully we don't have any wild hogs around here :)

  16. I worry about you and your misadventures with many of the creatures live your way. Glad you managed to avoid the hog. Sounds like the nursery should pay you commission or that you should take out shares in the place. :0) Hope you're son is doing ok and I did chuckle at the cartoon sketch!

  17. I hope you have a great weekend too Kim, love your picture of the bridge..

  18. LMAO!!! that cartoon is hilarious!!! Uh....wild hogs scare me. I agree with your pet peeve Kim...around here...they start fires. nasty, killer habit. I'm hoping things are ok with "the boy" Them's a lot of eggs Kim!! xo

  19. LMAO!!! that cartoon is hilarious!!! Uh....wild hogs scare me. I agree with your pet peeve Kim...around here...they start fires. nasty, killer habit. I'm hoping things are ok with "the boy" Them's a lot of eggs Kim!! xo

  20. Really? A wild hog. That would make me run I think. Wonderful photos and the cartoon made me laugh too. Hope your boy is doing well!

  21. I'm certainly glad you can walk fast! And I'm pretty sure you were loaded down with gear. I hope it warms up soon so your babies can get on with it. You're in for a wild ride!

  22. The photos from your walk are so beautiful. I know for a fact I would run if I heard a wild hog. I'm such a sissylala..


  23. I posted that same cartoon this week, it's funny!

    I'm in love with this post... okay, I don't do this all the time, but I would love if you would link-up with Life Through the Lens on my blog...

    I didn't post pictures this week, my R5F explains why. No pressure, I won't stalk you :-)

    Beautiful pictures, and great post.

  24. A lovely series of photos Kim. It looks like a beautiful place to relax and clear one's head. Cute cartoon!

  25. Well, I have to agree with everything. Hear wild hog - walk FAST! Cig butts - that ticks me off!
    And the eggs! Woo hoo!

  26. Love your bridge shot. Every time I see someone taking a picture I always turn and look too. I would be afraid I was missing a good shot.

  27. What a great post. That shot of the bridge is just wonderful. Your edit gave it a really romantic feel. - It is funny when people turn to see what you are taking pictures of but I do the same thing if I see people taking pictures.
    Woo Hoo on the Monarch Eggs.
    Yes the Cigarette Butts are nasty things, not to mention that in the summer when thrown out they can cause fires!
    Gorgeous Sunset, well worth turning around for.
    Can't say I wouldn't be scared to meet one of those Wild Hogs but it might be cool to get a picture of one. Can you climb trees?

  28. The bridge is pretty. Wow glad your encounter with the wild boar ended so well. They are extremely dangerous.

  29. Well, that was an experience! I'm glad we don't have wild hogs around here, although I do smell a skunk once in a while! Love the photos you were able to take before sunset! #3 is a pet peeve of mine, too! I just can't understand why people just throw they're cigarette butts down! Love the cartoon!

  30. Beautiful bridge shot which, since you didn't get gored, was worth the risk you took. I saw that on fb also...very funny

  31. I enjoyed your randoms and the beautiful photos. Love the editing on the first one. Have a super weekend!

  32. What a Lovely post! Best of luck with the Monarchs! and I LOVED that FB post :)

  33. Oh, my! I simply adore the impressionistic treatment of the bridge - it is sublime.

  34. this is such a wonderful random post. I love that bridge and think it's adorable how when we stop to take a photo of something we find beautiful--others have to stop to make sure they aren't missing something.

  35. I certainly enjoyed that walk with you, that is all but the snorty, scary grunting sound. I would have beat you out of that place by a country mile.

  36. Beautiful photos! Clicked on the link - what a hoot! thank you for the laugh, I needed it.

  37. You were rewarded for your bravery...going off track like that.
    You wouldn't have seen me for dust if a wild boar came along my path ;D
    Stunning photos especially the sunset.
    I went onto the Facebook link and had a chuckle too.
    Have a wonderful week where ever you wonder I know you'll capture amazing sights along the way.

  38. Excited about your eggs...and the pictures to come. And I just said a prayer for your son too...

  39. Wonderful series of images, Kim!

  40. Glad you have something to clear your head after those hospital days.

  41. Glad you stopped to take a picture of the bridge. It is my favorite


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