
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thankful for a headache?

"Far and away there in the sunshine are my highest
aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look
up and see their beauty, believe in them and try
to follow them."   - Louisa May Alcott

I had not planned on going to watch the sunrise this morning, as there were things to do and
an orthodontic appointment for the choir girl. In fact I was going to sleep in this morning, but
a rotten headache and allergies kept me from going back to sleep after I made sure the kids were
in fact up and getting ready for school. And as they walked out of the door at 6:50 my daughter said
it's going to be a great sunrise this morning. She doesn't usually say much that early in the morning, and that is when I knew I should look.

I peeked out the door . . . and was completely gobsmacked (I love that word). Blown over, in a panicked kind of way as I knew the time for the sunrise was 7:23 and it takes about 20 minutes to reach the bay in the morning school traffic. There was just no way I was going to get there before it rose, to capture what I was seeing.

Of all the days, the dog picks today to not ask to go out first thing, gee thanks! ha ha

I made a split second decision to throw on some clothes and go anyway, and you know, I had even considered just going in my p.j's to save a few minutes. That was fleeting.

Today, I was thankful for red lights . . . when does that ever happen!
And for my phone camera!

This was my first shot, as I almost tripped trying to get out of the car so fast and get my tripod up.

7:29 AM

7:38 AM

7:41 AM

7:42 AM
{KK paperlove, takeheart}

7:43 AM

The Theme this week for Texture Tuesday is "look up".

8:26 AM
{KK partings, aurora, just cause}

This was the view as I was driving out of my neighborhood!! This is from my phone .  . .

And this is half way there . . .
I learned after I got to the sunrise, from another photographer, that these clouds are the outer bounds of a hurricane off the pacific coast (CA, Mexico border), reaching all the way into the Gulf of Mexico. You can tell they have a swirling movement to them.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't beside myself for not being right there to photograph this! And although
every sunrise is beautiful and magical in its own way, this kind of show doesn't happen often. But, I could
have slept through it, so I guess today I'm thankful for that headache too! : )

Have a lovely Tuesday all . . .
Love, Kim


  1. Wow indeed . . . I love moments like that when you know you just have to act. I really love that third shot and the one before last showing the outer bounds of a hurricane. Gorgeous.

  2. Son muy bellas todas tus fotos, esta serie es maravillosa, me encanta!! Un abrazo grande.

  3. Your photos made my heart race as if I'd been there myself! Always on a quest for the fabulous sunrise or sunset! This is absolutely spectacular, Kim!...and yes, definitely gobsmacking! (one of my favourite words, reserved for moments just like that!)

  4. These are all stunning!! I hope your headache was better after seeing all this beauty!! It must have been awesome to have seen this in person!!

  5. Beautiful interesting and wonderful

  6. Breathtaking! I don't very often catch sunrises but I always feel grateful and thrilled when I do. I love how you documented the way the light and sky changed by the minute.

  7. What a thrilling adventure you had! You have captured it beautifully.

  8. Gorgeous shots, all of them. Wow, what an amazing sunrise and I love the birds in flight too.

  9. I wish my headaches were half as productive as yours. Great captures.

  10. I guess we all must be grateful for that headache of yours (hope you are feeling better today) because we were able to witness this amazing sunrise with you. All your shots are amazing but I love the flock of birds flying in that pale lemon-yellow sky - gorgeous!

  11. Oh my goodness. What awesome photos. Just as pretty as any sunset..


  12. You may have missed the initial sunrise, but you still got some incredible photos! Wow. Gorgeous! Gobsmacked is the perfect word...I'm sorry for your headache, but is it wrong to say I'm glad it got you up and able to capture these gorgeous images? Somehow that feels :)

  13. Oh, wow! Kim!
    I'm a huge fan of sunrises, beaches, sea gulls! You covered all the bases for me very well this morning!
    I'm glad you got to see it. And I'm even more glad you shared it! And I'm impressed you take and use, your tripod!


  14. How blessed to be able to see such wonders Mother Earth is incredible , wonderful shots Kim...

  15. Just glorious! I love when little things we think are 'bad' end up giving us wonderful rewards!I love that you were thankful for your headache!

  16. You know Kim, there is no moment like the present! Your photos are proof of that, always beautiful, inspiring and magical! Thanks for sharing...and get well soon:)

  17. Wow takes my breath away. Thanks for sharing and getting up and going to take this beautiful sunrise.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous --especially the one at 7:41am. They all are breathtaking. I've had a few mornings where being greeted by such beauty just quashed whatever grumblings I might have had at having to wake up so early. :)


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